Guide to the “flexible chin strap”: why should it be kept in semi-open spaces and when should it be used as a requirement


The Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti, announced yesterday a series of health measures based on improving the epidemiological situation in Argentina. Accompanied by the new chief of staff, Juan Manzur, let it be known that will no longer be compulsory the use of the mask in the open air and confirmed the opening of clubs and mass demonstrations for those vaccinated and the authorization of the entry to foreigners.

One of the revelations of the announcement was that as of October 1, the chin strap will no longer be compulsory in open spaces, that is to say outdoors. But the City of Buenos Aires will maintain the obligation. And several infectious scientists have explained to Con Bienestar when it is practical to use it for avoid contagion and the spread of covid.

Infectóloga Elena Obieta (MN 76.451) specifies in this regard: “We must not forget that we have new variants, such as the Delta, which is of concern and which can be installed regardless of the complete immunization schedule Population. There has already been push back around the world, in countries with high immunization rates, but where increase in covid cases after social relaxation. It is not that we want to be pessimistic, but we want to be able to continue to maintain this epidemiological joy ”.

In this sense, the specialist recalled that this pandemic “It is not finished” And that means continuing to be careful: “If this had ended, we would have 0 cases. Jujuy is a clear example of what can happen: it was a hundred days without new cases and suddenly, when everything was going to return to normal, new infections appeared. Let this not take us by surprise. We have to stay with him chin strap on to closed places and keep your distance. If we know we have been exposed to the virus, we have symptom or we were in close contact with an infected person, we must stay isolated yes or yes because otherwise, we will no longer put an end to this pandemic “, he warned.

Guide to the

For the infectologist Antonio Montero (MP 8.249), el using the chinstrap, social distancing, good hand hygiene and ventilated environments are the best tools for prevent infections due to the coronavirus, while allowing take care of others, since only 44% of the Argentine population has the complete vaccination schedule. “The use of the chin strap is recommended to avoid coming into contact with respiratory secretions that have been released into the air by an infected person when they cough, talk, sing, laugh, etc. It is very important to use it when there is a risk of being in the presence of the virus ”.

In the same vein, he specifies: “When the pathogen is suspended in the air and a person enters a closed room or environment Along with viral particles, it is spread simply by breathing air. Another very important factor in these cases is the cross ventilation”. He added: “The chin strap should be used whenever there is a social interaction with people who may be infected: while standing in line, shopping, on public transport, talking with others up close, and in all enclosed spaces”. The reality, he explained, a person never knows when they are exposed to the coronavirus: “The use of the chinstrap in open spaces is useless when you are alone, it ceases to be when another person happens with whom we interact and dialogue, ”he said.

For its part, Barbara broese (MN 130. 018), infectologist and member of the TN Health Advisory CouncilHe stressed: “We have 44% of the Argentine population fully vaccinated, which continues to be a risk to the rest when it comes to the Delta variant. Circulate individually and without chin strap on the outside This does not involve any significant risk, but it does require individual responsibility that, if that person is going to be with others, you have to put on the chinstrap”. The specialist evokes the fact that beyond being vaccinated, if this person who is exposed by speaking without a mask with another, then returns home and interacts with his family, he can put in risk of contagion non-immune and unprotected members.

The UBA infectologist and expert and investigator in infection prevention, Victor Daniel Rosenthal (MN: 77,649) explained to Con Bienestar that he doesn’t like to use the word “mask” because it infers that the only thing that needs to be covered is that part of the face. “It was the first mistake made since the start of the pandemic. It should have been called jugular O facial mask forever so that people understand that they must also cover the nose”.

According to effectiveness of the chin strap, Rosenthal clarified: “In a 2013 study, called Testing the effectiveness of homemade masks which was published in Preparing public health for disaster medicine, the researchers took the bacteriophage -which measures 0.2 microns, while COVID measures between 1.2 and 1.3 microns-, and they took it through different types of fabrics: cotton, silk, wool, linen, polyester-cotton blend and polypropylene. What they saw was that the ability of these tissues to stop the bacteriophage, that is, something smaller than the coronavirus, was as follows: cotton, wool, silk l ‘slowed by 50%, linen by 60%, the blend of polyester and cotton slowed down to 70%, so neither was effective. Only the Polypropylene it slowed him down in a 90%, always completely covering the nose and mouth. That is, by using the latter, it is not necessary double chin strap. All the others do not serve to prevent the entry of the virus ”.

The best chin straps to prevent covid

Contrary to what was previously pointed out by the specialist, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended using a properly fitted surgical mask or even, strengthen the fabric face mask adding one of the first below, as this would significantly increase the protection of people from the virus. Besides, would protect third parties in the event of close contact with a positive patient.

The suggestion came after an investigation by healthcare entities concluded that transmission of the virus may be reduce up to 96.5% in cases where one person is infected and another is not, use double chin strap -one surgical and one in fabric- or which adheres perfectly to the face.

Until then, the doctor and director of the CDC, Rochelle P. Walensky, stated that it is necessary to use chin straps that contain “Two or more layers of filters”. The best materials for blocking small particles include non-woven polypropylene -used for make the chinstrap N95- and various types of surgical chin straps.


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