Guido Sandleris trip and a strong sentence of Cristina Kirchner – 21/03/2019


Politics gives for everything

The 2019 election campaign is already in good shape. It is for this reason that the scenario of a new presidential conflict gives everything: an example of this is the advice that Catalan consultant Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí told Sergio Tomás Mbada: "You have to be authentic". The "revelation" sounded like heavenly music for some of the presidential hopefuls of the big avenue and as a phenomenal chamuyo for a good chunk of those working alongside the former mayor of Tigre.

Sergio Mbada during his visit to Juan Schiaretti in Córdoba

Sergio Mbada during his visit to Juan Schiaretti in Córdoba

The most boring with the advice duranbarbescos of catalan They prefer that Mbada forgets these aphorisms, arguing that many of Gutiérrez-Rubí's tips are identical to those he gave to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner during the 2017 campaign, when Catalan worked with him. former president. And let him focus on what the polls tell him so far: between the measures of Federico González, Analía del Franco, Hugo Haime and the GOP of Raúl Timerman, Mbada is still above Roberto Lavagna, a surprise veteran in Argentina last month. The question is whether the statements of Sergio Tomás about Lavagna doing sit-ups every day were a tigrense event or another tip of the "creative" Gutiérrez-Rubí. Mbada did not answer that question, but he told his people that "I'm doing 40 minutes of tape a day". A VAR on the right …

Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí, Catalan consultant who worked for CFK and has just hired Mbada

Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí, Catalan consultant who worked for CFK and has just hired Mbada

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What is this brothel …

In the noisy statements of Francisco Durañona, mayor of San Antonio de Areco, who gave no advice or discussion group, postulated that, if the Kirchner came back to power,, should have a supreme court of justice with "our activists, not self-conscious leave when the time comes to retire ", in a clear message that in a possible return K, justice will not play with" ours. "The speech of the mayor of Buenos Aires has bounced so much back that it was interviewed by the main national radio stations.Herañona was touched by his heart.He said he would be arguing over the governorship of his province and that the controversy would help him. install.

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But on average the gathering of Peronist justice, received the call of Máximo Kirchner: "Come on, the old woman wants to talk to you". The mayor went to the homeland institute and Cristina Kirchner received him in his office: "Hello my dear, how are you, sit down," he ordered gently. A few hours before leaving for Cuba to meet his daughter Florencia – and have recorded the confusing message that led to a controversial video – Cristina stared at the mayor and, a few seconds later, released him: "Excellent, you have welcomed Longobardi the shit you sent …". The senator's diplomatic challenge to Radio Miter's interview made him the driver of the first morning, when a journalist and a politician were arguing over the unusual call for training of a Supreme Court dependent for Kirchner . Become friends with the judge …

The Every Morning show hosted by Marcelo Longobardi on Radio Miter. Photo Pedro Lázaro Fernandez

The Every Morning show hosted by Marcelo Longobardi on Radio Miter. Photo Pedro Lázaro Fernandez

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But as an old saying goes ("beans are cooked everywhere"), on the side of the politics of change – and the economy – some players are offside. Perhaps because of a curse of fate or a bad financial calculation, the president of the Argentine Central Bank was traveling the first week of March, when the dollar reached a leap that frightened both inhabitants and foreigners. Guido Sandleris went on a business trip to Europe for a meeting at the European Central Bank, which led the head of the BCRA to go through Basel and Frankfurt.

Paris Saint-Germain: Kylian Mbappe. AFP Photo

Paris Saint-Germain: Kylian Mbappe. AFP Photo

The head of the agency in charge of the country's monetary policy did not have a meeting with Mario Draghi (the head of the ECB) and went to drown his sentence with his son. was on the field to enjoy a match of the Champions League, the most important club championship in the world, including the mighty Borussia Dortmund, Tottenham, Barcelona, ​​Liverpool, Bayern Munich, Manchester United and Juventus. Meanwhile, the North American currency has risen to 43 pesos in Argentina. Change, change …

The president of the central bank Guido Sandleris at the announcement of the new measures of the central bank. Photo Federico Lopez Claro

The president of the central bank Guido Sandleris at the announcement of the new measures of the central bank. Photo Federico Lopez Claro

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