Guillermo Andino secretly arranged the birth of his wife to coincide with a football birthday


Not to believe Guillermo Andino told Sebastian Wainraich during an interview on the radio: Meter and a half He arranged with the obstetrician and hid from his wife the birth of his first daughter on the same day of the historic goal of Chango Cárdenas in Montevideo, who gave the Cup to Racing and the first world title in the world. Argentina.

The journalist, a fan of Racing, told this story as something funny, without realizing the seriousness of the situation.

"My daughter was to be born on the 6th, but I arranged with the obstetrician to see if we could move the delivery, so the 4th was born, he did not understand anything about football, but as he had a tournament golf on Monday 6, he said "by there is no problem, it's better", and we advance by 4 ", he said .

"Caro (his wife) had a job of about 10 hours and I said to her," Ah, mamita, if I damn myself, I killed myself "but … well, Sofi was born on the 4th of November but I just said Cher from this arrangement 8 years later … she had a little trouble fixing this problem with the obstetrician, so I said, "Good love, now I'm going to tell you something, since we are happy that everything went well … "and when I told him that it had almost killed me," he continued laughing.

The story caused a great deal of indignation among the listeners and some of them appeared in networks, stressing that this was a clear case of obstetric violence.

The repudiation of Pichot

Malena Pichot is one of many people to have repudiated this story. "Basically, Andino said that he had cheated on his wife to take her to the clinic and that he had had an infusion that led to the delivery. Inductive contractions are much more painful than natural contractions. His wife had these pains for ten hours … Andino caused a trauma to his wife during a football match, with the help of the obstetrician who had to play golf. Andino confessed 8 years later, "Pichot wrote after listening to the audio with Guillermo's statements.

"Imagine all the shit that Andino's wife lives every day … All this," he said to himself Metro and medium where the only thing the drivers could say to him is Andos, you're at the limit, "continued the comedian of the network.


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