Guillermo Bredeston died after a long agony – 28/07/2018


His popularity was far, far away, rooted in the 60s or 70s. When television or the era then " fotonovelas " installed it in the category of vintage gallants He left very soon. Not so much the performance, which remained until the late 80's when he showed his other vein, that of producer, in which he was also a winner until the body told him enough.

As an actor, producer, director or teacher He had his own artist training school, Guillermo Bredeston was a relevant figure of the show in Argentina. And trained with Nora Cárpena which was initially considered a "media duo", but which was consolidated as an indestructible romance until his last days.

The ACV that Bredeston suffered in April 2011 meant premature dismissal, only the subsequent suffering subsists. Until the end, which happened this afternoon and was confirmed by Carlos Rottemberg through the Multiteatro Comafi Twitter account.

? This theatrical house says goodbye to the great friend. Guillermo Bredeston is dead.

Huge hugs to Nora, Lorena, Nachi and the great family she could form.

Guillermo was a great professional. From his manliness of good we can give the faith that knew him, we treat and we want

– Multiteatro Comafi (@multiteatro) [28 juillet 90]

We would not forget the moments so nice, those who appreciated thousands spectators in the theater and millions of viewers, mainly in comedy. And some touches of scandal, inevitable in popular figures, but which would rarely be badociated with the name of Bredeston.

His pbadion for play comes from his childhood, from his land in Entre Ríos. Born August 24, 1934 in Concepción del Uruguay, he was the son of a postman who also directed the theater as a hobby. Bredeston said that being very small himself he formed his puppet group and, along with his brother and some neighbors, and they set up a circus at the back of his home.

He remembers his theatrical debut in "1810, in my city, it was a work of Uruguayan Osiris Rodríguez Castillo, who came to direct him, and my father directed me in "La Ley Ocultica" and "Justicia de Yesño" by Martín Coronado, which for a long time was one of the most beautiful things when my father was a cast, but it was a professional activity, not commercial, far from it. "

The first contact with the Buenos Aires show took place in the late 40s, when Oscar Ponferrada and a group of actors arrived at Entre Ríos. "Some have proposed to enter Cervantes' Dramatic Art Seminar, and I went there with all my dreams, even if at first it seemed crazy."

Bredeston began studying drama – he also studied law for three years – and defined his vocation after going through military service. He also defined his years of studies at Cervantes as "the happiest of my life" . He obtained a post as makeup artist for the figures of Cbad 7 (Raúl Rossi, Diana Maggi, Mabel Landó) but in 1958 he already plays with Luisa Vehil, other than Electra

  Nora Cárpena and Guillermo Bredeston.

Nora Cárpena and Guillermo Bredeston

He could imagine himself in dramatic roles, but eventually he went to comedy. He admitted limits: "I managed to manage the trade well, but I never considered myself a talented actor.F ui actor with limitations, but with the gift of sympathy, I guessed how to reach the public the ladies saw me as their son and the girls, as their boyfriend.I started my career by aiming for the dramatic and intellectual side.But one day, after reading a review on me in a work of Albee, I realized that the drama was not for me. "

He was" gallant "of the great figures of the 60s and 70s (Elsa Daniel, Gilda Lousek, a very young Soledad Silveira). And, of course, Nora Cárpena who would become his wife. He had a brief tour through Spain, directed by Margarita Xirgu in "The Boba Dama". But Migré called him for "Palmolive en el aire" and so he definitely returned to Argentine television where, one of his most memorable cycles, were the comedies with Beatriz Taibo on Channel 9. [19659002] It is also in these studios that he lives one of the strangest moments: a night where "Right to Replica" is filmed, the famous cycle that directs Blackie, the sharp tongue of Lucho Avilés "interviewed" is written about Bredeston: "This man is used to seeing enemies where there is none" . Bredeston's answer – which was in the recording chain "My Sweet Love" – ​​was a precise punch in the face. Scandal.

Over time, the actor would give way to the producer. "I was tired, I told myself, I do not want to go on stage anymore, I remember that it was after doing Soufflé, in Mar del Plata. He added: "I have suffered a vocational crisis, while I had worries and the desire to do new things, without seeming routine or cumbersome, I continued but in recent years, nothing has motivated me to continue. "

The early 80's was one of the country's most intense producers: while he was on television with his wife, inaugurated the Hermitage Theater and mounted works at the Lido in Mar del Plata Yolanda at Villa Carlos Paz and Tabarís at Rottenberg, their distribution included Sapag, Susana Giménez, Brandoni, Pepe Soriano, Emilio Disi, Arturo Puig and a young man named Ricardo Darín. "I am a pioneer in the seasons of Mar del Plata, from that time when there was only one piece" he remembers.

  Guillermo Bredeston with Emilio Disi.

Guillermo Bredeston with Emilio Disi.

Although most of these works were directed to the "commercial" theater, had its space for those who had surprised in the revolutionary Teatro Abierto, like "Grs de ausencia" and "El acompañamiento".

A decade later, he convened teachers such as Hugo Urquijo and Cipe Lincovsky to offer their teachings in the Teatro Club, a school workshop in downtown Buenos Aires, where about 300 students attended the courses and workshops

  Iliana Calabró with Bredeston and Cárpena

Iliana Calabró with Bredeston and Cárpena

Return to The actors were ephemeral (with Satur and Bebán they made "the galling combed guns" in 2001, interpreting themselves, officiated as the host of the comedy show of Chico Novarro y Emilio Disi, and in 2008 he starred in "The cage of las locas"

But everything was late. Declining health warning was the operation of the heart, in 2004. And then, this long and sad end, after a long agony.

In an interview with Pronto magazine, there is a little less than a lot of pain. one year, Cárpena she had opened her n heart and, with a lot of pain, talked about the delicate state of health of her husband: "If Guillermo Bredeston could speak, he would ask for euthanasia, no doubt" . He underwent the first of five stroke (stroke). From there, the life of the actor has turned into a nightmare. At home, unable to speak for a tracheostomy performed three years ago and unable to move, Nora told in the media the suffering of his partner in his last years of life.

"I am realistic, I have no hope I want Guillermo to suffer as little as possible, I like him to smile at me, that he looks at me, but sometimes I see connected to these machines and it is difficult, "said Cárpena last year.

The last years of Bredeston have been sacrificing many for him and his family. In addition to being seen by nurses 24 hours a day, the actor was wearing a respirator and a food machine. Plus, he did not speak because he had a tracheostomy.

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