Guillermo Bredeston: the man who knew all the secrets of the theater


He was author, producer, actor and entrepreneur Source: Archive


Guillermo Bredeston
one of the most notable authors, producers and theater entrepreneurs of Argentina in recent decades, pbaded away yesterday at the age of 84 years. He had been away from public activity for several years because of his fragile health, with five strokes in the past eight years.

The news was confirmed by his friend Carlos Rottemberg, with whom he postponed countless theatrical projects. "Guillermo has been a great professional, and from his good manhood we can give faith to those who have known him, we have tried and we want," said Rottemberg from his Twitter account. Bredeston was married for 53 years with actress Nora Cárpena and, with her, had two daughters.

He visited almost every facet of the entertainment world touched by fortune. Endowed with an innate ability to perceive the taste of the public, he successively succeeded as an actor, author, director, producer and entrepreneur. But he escaped one of these identifications. He defines himself as "a workman who, after many years of work, learns all the secrets of the theatrical profession."

Tall, corpulent, with a natural elegance that he knew how to handle on stage with ease sympathetic and a slightly mischievous gesture, which never went wild, became one of the most popular male figures on television between the mid-1960s and the late 1980s, d first as a gallant and, later, as a protagonist of brilliant comedies and pasatistas.

With the visible wear and tear of a formula tested the infinity of times he had to feel "a little behind" what his image in the small screen meant. At that time, he decided to turn to production and commercial activity. He managed to run an entire theater company with 13 actresses, 16 actors, six writers, six directors, two theaters in Mar del Plata, one in Buenos Aires and another in Villa Carlos Paz. In this privileged place he was the owner of the last word when it was necessary to decide which piece was created, when and with what distribution.

He reached that summit after painstakingly and patiently traversed a long road begun in the early 1950s, when he arrived at the capital of Concepción del Uruguay (where he was born on August 24, 1933) to study theater.

During his time at the Cervantes Dramatic Art Seminary, his vocation for more serious theater grew. He made his debut in Buenos Aires with
Goldoni's fan in the present Regina room: "I came alone to Buenos Aires, learned early on that we had to fight, and maybe I was fighting to be before they hit me. I made human concessions, yes artistic, but we all did it, "he confessed years later.

After going through the cast of
The two covers fulfilling remarkable roles in engaged works and in theatrical hierarchies on television and as imposing as television galant, decide to turn to comedy, a genre in which he always feels comfortable. 19659009] "You can be a galant without being an actor, but first of all I am a comedian, I do not feel dramatic actor." The dramatic expressions that I badumed did not leave anything, "he said about his change of style, which many attribute to the questions he received in a first and unsuccessful
Exercise for Five Fingers by Peter Shaffer

This was not the only time that he had to deal with specialized critics, who interrogated him to repeat again and again the same effective model of comedy with the one who fought week after week on television and every summer in Mar del Plata. "What I do in Mar del Plata can not be judged with the same measure of serious drama, mine is a special spectacle that consists of bringing together several figures of popular repercussion in an entertainment framed by a good scenography and a guard. appropriate dress ", retrucaba.


Acknowledged as one of the creators of the summer theatrical model, Bredeston led for long seasons the company that occupied the Hermitage, as well as actors whose names had been chosen by him among the successes of the television of the preceding months

. ] A year could be presented with Ricardo Darín and Susana Giménez and, what follows, Andrea del Boca and Silvestre, or Emilio Disi and Dorys Del Valle, plus the permanent contribution of Juan Carlos Calabró and the presence of Mario Sapag at the height of his imitations

In these successful summers, in front of titles like
The night of the scoundrels ,
Sold vacant or
Tomato Salad and Tenderness experienced the transition from the place of the humorist who led the weekly note on channel 9 to the busy businessman who manages rooms like the Hermitage and the Lido, Mar del Plata, El Tabarís, Buenos Aires, in the latter case badociated with Rottemberg

Along this route, the place that occupied Bredeston as the l 39; The author of each of the theatrical summer successes in Mar del Plata, still under the pseudonym, also began to be recognized. Adalberto Rey Over time, he was encouraged to recognize that from an early age he wrote essays, stories and poems "not for publication, but for an inner need". Later he decided to do it professionally.

In the memory of the Argentine viewer of today there is always a television title badociated with Bredeston's immediate memory:
His favorite comedy . I should not attract attention: it was the longest successful cycle of anyone who played on the small screen. At his side, the companion in most of his projects, was still Cárpena. They met in 1964 while working on the telenovela
My sad love lies and they had two daughters, Lorena and Nazarena.

After 2000, he expanded his appearances on stage after experiencing his last great triumph as an actor in
Gallants paint gray hair with Claudio García Satur and Rodolfo Bebán. Then he devotes himself to his work as a producer until health problems force him to resign. He spent his last years caring for his wife and family with admirable discretion.

Bijou Cabaret in the summer of 2004 and still in Mar del Plata, was his last job as a producer.

Since yesterday his remains will be veiled in Córdoba 5080. Today, a ceremony will be held at the cemetery of Chacarita

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