Gustavo Grobocopatel: “We have a poor quality condition”


A little over a year ago, the former president of the Los Grobo group, Gustavo Grobocopatel, officially installed in Colonia, Uruguay. From the neighboring country, The agronomist analyzed the challenges Argentina is going through, what he said he felt and suffered as if he were in the country, and he diagnosed the problems to be solved.

“Argentina’s problem is to try to make sure that the amount of money that is not in the circuit, that is to say under the mattress or abroad, has confidence to return in Argentina”Grobocopatel argued, and underlined: “The decision of the tax on large fortunes goes in the opposite direction.”

Gustavo Grobocopatel
Gustavo GrobocopatelDeposit

In dialogue with FM Milenium, the businessman condemned the tax on large fortunes, something he says does not solve the problems and “scares the investors”. I think it’s short-term political speculation, to gain followers of this type of thing, ”he said, and expressed his opinion: “Its effect will be very small and very short term.”

In this sense, the director of Los Grobo referred to the country’s fiscal pressure, which he considered “very high”. “It is a disproportionate tax burden compared to what is offered in exchange”, He said. “We have a shoddy state, public goods are not good and neither are services. This is something that needs to be corrected, ”he added.

“What worries me the most is the lack of integrity and systemic problem solvingIn other words, it’s always the short term or how to win the next election instead of solving the medium and long term issues that are fundamental, ”he said.

According to the agronomist, “With different nuances, this is a problem that has lasted for many decades. Short-termism is something structural; Politics think no one votes for you in the long run ”.

In his presentation of the difficulties facing the country, he celebrated having been able to grow. “I am eternally grateful to Argentina”He said and detailed: “My grandparents came very poor and it took them 50 years to buy their first hectares of land. I am the first professional in my family ”.

Gustavo Grobocopatel: "In Argentina, there is a disproportionate tax burden compared to what is offered in exchange"
Gustavo Grobocopatel: “In Argentina, there is a disproportionate tax pressure compared to what is offered in exchange”


In this sense, the businessman said: “The problem is what we achieve, not as an individual company, but as a collective. And what we have achieved as a group is disappointing is the thinking we need to do beyond how it turned out for everyone ”.

I am eternally grateful to Argentina. My grandparents came very poor and it took them 50 years to buy their first hectares of fields. I am the first professional in my family

When he was consulted, he mentioned what are the competitive advantages of Uruguay above Argentina, a place to which – according to confessions – he moved for personal reasons. “It has a more stable legal framework, it has less tax pressure, it has a relatively good statehood, but it also has many problems”, Held.

“The field today is a complex ecosystem of companies that provide technologies and services, it is something large“Underlined Grobocopatel, who does not see himself as the owner of an empire, but” of 1% of Argentine agriculture “.

According to the agricultural entrepreneur, of politics “there is no complete knowledge of what the campaign is”, and of this ignorance “there are prejudices”. “With the pitch alone Argentina does not come out, but as a government you cannot have the sector producing you against it,” said Grobocopatel, who pointed out that former president Mauricio Macri was the one who knew to have “more conscience”. about the industry and what it entails.

“There was an awareness of the importance of the sector, but they did damage because they didn’t have more ideas or resources,” he said of the administration. of the former president, while about the former president Cristina Kirchner, he said: “With Cristina’s government and this government [de Alberto Fernández] there is not even an awareness of the damage that is generated in the area of ​​land ”.


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