Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez launched the historic Pact in Cali


Gustavo Petro photo: Colprensa
Gustavo Petro Photo: Colprensa

This Saturday August 14 from Parque de la Banderas in the city of Cali, several politicians who make up the historic Pact They arrived to launch this alliance in the capital of Valle, where the protests of the national strike were lived with great force.

However, Gustavo Petro and Francia Marquez they were the ones who delivered their opening speech focusing on vulnerable young people in the city. The first to speak was Senator Petro who invited the citizens’ movements of Cali to the historic Pact. He also assured that what happened during the protests was a massacre that “broke with California society”.

“The government decided by lies and massacres to divide Californian society. They tore it to pieces. They wanted to confront the people of Cali, they wanted to fracture society itself, the citizens “commented Pétro.

The senator added that it is not the Garden City yes and those of Siloam no, “None of these roads could produce a successful Cali. Here in Cali we can all be, we can coexist, but we have to understand and come to an agreement ”.

For her part, Francia Marquez assured that she would continue her presidential candidacy even though she was told that she had no experience, because she said that it is time for blacks to be represented by the state. .

“We decided that our social activism alone was not enough, that we had to create a policy capable of transforming situations of injustice. That we had to fight for a Colombia with dreams, with opportunities for all “Marquez said.

Senator Alexander López, House Representative María José Pizarro, Senator Wilson Arias, Senator Aída Avella, Senator Iván Cepeda, Bogotá Councilor Heidy Sánchez, House Representative Luis Alberto Albán, Cali Ana Councilor Erazo and Senator Feliciano Valencia also participated in the event. .

Francia Márquez explained why she joined the Historic Pact

In an interview with the newspaper El Espectador, Marquez explained why he opted for the Historic Pact and not for an independent candidacy. He further assured that he fully supported the idea that the lists in Congress be closed to ensure equal participation, to decide to be a presidential candidate without first aspiring to other positions such as that of representative to the Congress, what many have suggested would be better for her.

“Because we are, I am the movement that promotes my candidacy, proposed from the start two paths: the first was to launch from independence and the second was to do so from the historic Pact. We said that the path we liked the most was independence, which involved collecting signatures, but the national political situation showed that the people are demanding change. They kill people who have taken to the streets with national bullets. Thus, the collective decision of Soy Porque Somos was to link us to the Historical Pact.Said the leader, who is a visible face due to her iconic defense of the territory under the jurisdiction of the La Toma Community Council, in the municipality of Cauca de Suárez, where she is from.

Although, as indicated by the original idea was to go independent, Marquez pointed out that For her, the great gain and strength of the left movement is that a diverse group which welcomes not only political but social movements which put life at the center of everything.

“It is a collective bet to offer the country a solution to all situations that violate human rights. We want this bet to present a policy that puts life in all its expressions at the center. In diversity, there are differences, but the main thing is to reach the Presidency and from these differences to be able to build a plural program that bridges the gaps in inequality and inequality, which is capable of stopping war, to guarantee human rights and respect for life. , able to take on the economic challenges», Declared the chef enthusiastically.

Because of the expectations she has and the fact that they believe in gender equality in all fields, in addition to the fact that she considers that the Congress should make more cultural and ethnic variety, the candidate defends the closed list which was the subject of a discussion within the movement because there are parties like the Alternative Democratic Pole that do not support the idea.


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