Gutiérrez: At the YPF, we are taking important steps and we do not want the electoral noise to distract us.


"This is a special year, we do not want the election noise to distract us from what we are doing." We reach milestones that are not minor, such as those of liquefied gas, "Gutiérrez said during an interview given to the press in the Puerto Madero tower, on the occasion of the journalist's day. . "In Argentina, we are tackling a problem of excess gas", summarizes the head of the state-majority society.

Gutiérrez referred to the first shipment of the country's history of 30,000 cubic meters of liquefied gas that sailed last Thursday from the port of Bahía Blanca, with the resources of the deposit Vaca Muerta. This is the first floating LNG export project in Latin America and the third in the world, which will include Argentina in the group of exporting countries that make up the LNG. Malaysia, Qatar, Nigeria and Russia, among others.

Sebastián MocorreaYPF Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Communications and Marketing, recalled the highs and lows of fuel prices in 2018 – the 14 increases in a single year – and also discussed the challenges ahead.

The executive emphasized "Challenges" that of developing with Vaca Muerta, with the production of unconventional oil and gas, innovation in electricity and renewable energies with YPF Luz, the start of the accelerator YPF Ventures and the export of liquefied gas, realized in a record time. "There are only three ships that can do it and one was here, if it was not done now, it took three years to commit it.", revealed a qualified source for this media.

To integrate

We started the initial loading of 30,000 m3 of LNG in the barge to make the first export of liquefied gas from Argentina. A milestone that will open new markets for gas in our country.

– YPF (@YPFoficial) June 3, 2019

But the president of YPF has not only stressed the gas bureau. "There are a lot of substantial changes, if we go back to what we do in the unconventional, the cost reduction, the radical change in the way of functioning"Gutiérrez stressed to the press.

"We realized that the unconventional is economically viable and we are conducting pilot tests for the tertiary sector and we are waiting for the end of the year to have a proposal to make to the industry and the entire gas chain. : a year ago, we were working on it, we hope to share all the options by the end of the year "he said softly.

Argentina has more than 3,500 companies providing industrial goods and services, including 500 with strong capabilities and tradition in the oil and gas sector, employing more than 40,000 skilled direct jobs. YPF's investment plan goes beyond the $ 4 billion, of which US $ 2 billion will go to Vaca Muerta.

Vaca Muerta.jpg

"This YPF started in 2012 (with the resettlement that is still a litigation ground in New York and Madrid), it has its public participation and 49% of private management, which is listed in the United States and Buenos Aires. , and Today, he has a vision of development and energy potential at the service of the country, with a focus on professional and independent management, without being blurred by electoral noise. "said Mocorrea.

"We need to stay focused and reach the goals in what we need to do as we go through the milestones we will comment on," Gutiérrez concludes.


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