Gutiérrez: We have managed to be a tourist power and we will deepen it


"Activity is the second largest in the province. Allows vertical integration of small, medium and large businesses and family economies. Tourism is one of the pillars of management, which is why we have created their ministry, "said the MPN candidate.

To integrate

At Villa La Angostura, enjoying the fifth edition of MXGP Patagonia Argentina. It is a great pride for the newcomers to once again welcome the opening of the FIM Motocross World Championship. #SigamosJuntos

– Omar Gutierrez (@OmarGutierrezOk) March 2, 2019

"Today, more than ever, we have to defend Neuquén.The province has a development and growth program that is an example in Argentina and that's what we're going to defend on March 10," Gutiérrez said.

In addition, He highlighted the progress made at Neuquén airport, whose number of pbadengers and the number of services have increased over the past four years. through new works.

To integrate

This afternoon, I also met with gastronomic and hotel vendors from Villa La Angostura. We continue to support them, working as a team, because they power tourism in this beautiful city in the south of our beloved province. #SigamosJuntos

– Omar Gutierrez (@OmarGutierrezOk) March 2, 2019

The Presidente Perón International Airport in the capital has a significant advance compared to 2015. If the month of January 2019 is compared to the same month in 2015, the balloon flight indicates a 63% increase in the number of pbadengers, 52,000 to 86,000.

If you compare the same month, Aeroparque Airport in Buenos Aires has increased by 25%, less than half that of Neuquén.

Gutiérrez highlighted the works carried out at the capital's airport and those underway: "It is a very important work that articulates public and private investments, generating more economic development social and social, with territorial balance and social justice This opens the door wide for all those who decide to come and invest and produce, with respect for employment and local purchases.

The movement of the airport Presidente Perón stems from the increase in the number of flights.

Sebastian Fariña Petersen

The road Neuquén – Santiago reached 50 thousand pbadengers

From the beginning of the Neuquén – Santiago airline operated by LATAM in October 2017 until February 2019, 51,923 pbadengers have already flown.

This route allows Neuquén to connect to 140 destinations that make up the LATAM group's network, including Europe, the Caribbean, the United States, Australia and South Africa. The service is provided by an Airbus 320 aircraft with a capacity of 168 pbadengers.

Work continues at Neuquén airport. The modernization of this balloon, which is currently undergoing refurbishment, will provide solutions to pbadengers. In addition to the extensions, which include the international zone with its new departure lounge, two telescopic sleeves with double glazed deck will be added.


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