Gymnastics honors veterans


Gymnastics honors veterans

The branch of veterans in the forest gardens / Official Gymnastics

The link between the Mens Sana institution and the Malvinas veterans is not new. And as part of a new birthday, April 2, Gymnastics paid a warm tribute to the heroes of this absurd war, with a popular lunch in the gardens of Juan Carmelo Zerillo.

Members of the subsidiary of Albiazul, "Veterans Fighters of the Falklands", were received by the institution Tripera, at a meeting that ended with a popular lunch in the forest facilities.

In addition, using social networks, Gymnastics also presented a commemorative video with the testimony of Hector Rubén Vinaccia, a wolf fan and survivor of the Falklands War, in which he remembers his days in the islands and of his desire to come back to see your team

For those who returned, for those who stayed there.

On April 2nd, we recognize and remember our heroes.

Yesterday, today and always MALVINAS ARGENTINAS.


– GYMNASTICS (@gimnasiaoficial) April 2, 2019

In canning, which lasts a little less than a minute, the aforementioned Vinaccia also recalls something fundamental for the wolf for ex-combatants, which is undoubtedly a pillar for the Falklands heroes. And it is that the club of the street 4 was the first in the country to recognize them as "honorary partners", which did the other clubs soon.


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