"Hacker" Johnson threatened MPs who boycotted his agreement | Chronic


The House of Commons approved the opening of a debate to block Wednesday the possibility of a Brexit without agreement, by 328 votes to 301, which represents a serious setback for the Prime Minister. Boris Johnson and a break-up of the ruling majority in Parliament a little over a month after he took office and his first vote in Parliament.

As soon as the vote was over, the prime minister took the floor and launched a threat against more than 20 deputies who rebelled and joined the opposition.: "I do not want elections, but if tomorrow MEPs voted to boycott an agreement and block a brexit without agreement, I would table a motion" To trigger early elections next month, he reproduced an office of the EFE agency.

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Johnson said that in this election, the British had to choose who would go to the summit of heads of state and government of the member countries of the European Union (EU) in Brussels on October 17 and would define the Brexit before the last date of the 31st of this month

If the leader of the Labor Party Jeremy Corbyn he argued "will do what the EU wants"; he's going away, he continued "agreement".

The Prime Minister's warning triggered a shower of applause and shouting, which were finally covered by the screams of the House Speaker, the Conservative John Bercowand his intervention angry.

"We live in a parliamentary democracy, we do not have a president, we have a prime minister, this chamber does not give its consent to leave the EU without agreement and there is no majority in the country that supports a Brexit without agreement. ", Sentenced Bercow, to the applause of the majority of the plenary.

"We live in a parliamentary democracy, we do not have a president, we have a prime minister, this chamber does not give its consent to leave the EU without agreement and there is no majority in the country that supports a Brexit without agreement. "

Tomorrow, the House of Commons will meet again to discuss and decide whether or not to stop a possible Brexit without agreement, an option that Johnson asks to keep open.

After the vote and the Prime Minister's threat to call early elections, opposition leader, Labor Party Jeremy Corbyn, argued before his peers that he would not support a motion to advance elections, if the resolution stopping a Brexit had not been approved before. not agree

Thus, he replied to the Prime Minister, who took for granted that tomorrow he could reach the two-thirds needed to advance the elections with Labor votes.

The British institutional crisis has already entered an almost impossible timetable as the law limits Brexit: 31 October.

READ ALSO: Johnson suspended the "hacker" parliament and sparked a political scandal

The House of Commons began Tuesday the first step in approving the motion against the tough Brexit in both Houses of Parliament before the weekend, while Johnson confirmed that he will try to get tomorrow tomorrow. support from two-thirds of Parliament to advance the elections to 14 October.

Meanwhile, last week, in a decision that unleashed the current political escalation and the latest break in the ruling party, Johnson had ordered – and the Queen ratified – to suspend parliamentary sessions between next week and 14 October.

That is why many MPs, including government officials, felt that they should act this week, but that they would meet again on October 14, when it will be too much late to change the government's plans for Brexit.


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