Haiti and the Colombian workforce | The hypotheses after the murder of Jovenel Moïse


Haiti carries within it a mark that seems to be perpetual. Their deaths number in the hundreds of thousands without having suffered any formal or undeclared war. There are too many tragedies together: hunger, plagues, an earthquake that left 316,000 dead in 2010, nearly three decades of dictatorship with the Duvalier clan, Papá Doc and Baby Doc (1957-1986), coups d’état, fifteen presidents in 33 years and on July 7 an assassination, that of Jovenel Moïse.

Misfortune has found an ideal habitat to reproduce in this territory of 11.2 million inhabitants. Its history has unfolded since it was born as a republic. It was the second country in America after the United States to become independent from the colonies. A libertarian lighthouse guided by its pioneers and former slaves. But in the twentieth century and until now in the twenty-first, it has never been able to shed a label: that of the poorest nation on the continent. It has been like this for decades and now, again, without a president.

Haiti’s politics have been on autopilot for incalculable time. But it’s an autopilot that doesn’t work. There are indications that Moses, a banana businessman who was shot and stitched up, had taken an oath.. The questions are:Who gave the order? Who were? Are the murderers among the Colombian ex-soldiers and commandos detained so far in Port-au-Prince? It would appear to be the case, although there is still more evidence to confirm it. If that had been the assumption, the local police would have been very quick and efficient in catching them. And the Colombian soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers trained in counterinsurgency tactics by the United States, very green. Like the color of the berets of the US Army special force that trained them.

Edgar Ceballos, president of the Corps of Generals and Admirals of the Active Reserve of Colombia (FFMM) said: “There was bad planning, the operation had no way of escape. In the same virtual interview with The week, a media from his country, his teammate, Vice-President Guillermo León added: “It was a terribly poorly organized operation.


On Saturday 10, it was learned that the soldiers captured after Moses’ murder had been hired by the Miami-based CTU Security company.. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez publicly cited data the AP agency released earlier. It was no accident. The owner of this security agency which concocted mercenaries is Antonio Enmanuel Intriago Valera, a Venezuelan who supports Juan Guaidó, the pseudo-president of an imaginary republic.

The other hypothesis studied by various intelligence services in Haiti seems to have vanished when Martine Moïse, the wife of the assassinated president, declared from Miami, where she is interned after having survived the attack: “hui the mercenaries who assassinated the president are in prison, there are other mercenaries who want to assassinate the dream, the vision and the ideas of the president for the country”. His words do not coincide with those of former opposition senator Steven Benoit: “It is not the Colombians, but the security of the president who assassinated him,” he said.

Colombian Jenny Capador Giraldo explained – quoted by the newspaper Time– that his brother Duberney, one of the commandos killed in Port-au-Prince “told me that they had arrived late to protect the person they had to take care of, I imagine it was the President. That the Police had cornered them and that he was going to try to mediate so that they were listened to ”. The message was received by WhatsApp, the woman said. The soldier was a sergeant and had requested his release in 2019. The Colombian group was made up of troops of varying degrees. The highest ranking is former army colonel Carlos Giovanni Guerrero Torres. Today, he is imprisoned in Haiti.

Whatever the hypothesis confirmed about the executioners of Moses, the improvisation or the naivety of the inmates is striking. One of the two. All of them had high training in army units, they fought against drug traffickers and guerrillas. But they fell almost without resistance. Some were even detained by the population and handed over to the police. Of the 28 who intervened in the attack according to the local government – two are of Haitian-American origin – twenty are in detention, three are dead and five are still at large. This is the report that published on Saturday The Nouvelliste, Haiti’s most important newspaper.

If it was proven that they had been commissioned to kill Moses, they would have made another mistake. They were exposed on social networks a few days before their entry into Haiti from the border with the Dominican Republic, the only border country with which it shares the island of Hispaniola. Proof of this are the posts of one of the most experienced commandos. Manuel Antonio Grosso Guarín took several photos and uploaded them to his Facebook tour from the Colón lighthouse in Santo Domingo. The investigation unit of Time He describes him as “one of the best prepared soldiers in the Colombian army. He received special command training with American instructors. And, in 2013, he was assigned to the Urban Counter-Terrorism Special Forces Group ”.

His ex-colleagues identified him in handcuffs and sitting on the floor with his back against a wall, when he was exposed with the others to the press. In one video, he also appears captured by a group of civilians with another mercenary, a condition some high-ranking soldiers in his country deny. ANDn the interview quoted from The weekGeneral Ceballos commented: “Colombian soldiers are trained like no one else in America.

Colonel John Marulanda, president of the Colombian Association of Retired Officers of the Military Forces (ACORE) has visited Haiti several times as a security consultant. He commented that in his country “British and Israeli mercenaries were operating, and the United States in Venezuela”, from which it can be deduced that the hiring of their services has become common in Latin America.

The privatization of covert operations gained importance with the war in Iraq. Mercenaries from the American company Blackwater killed 17 Iraqi civilians in Nisour Square in Baghdad in 2007. Several employees of this lucrative company have been convicted of murder. The Colombian army is very necessary in such societies.

Marulanda explained what is happening today: “The retired gentlemen go to work in the UAE, they acquire nationality there and it is not illegal or mercenary. The problem that arose was that there they made an alliance with other Arab countries to confront the Shiites, and that is why there were Colombians fighting. This skewed the role to be fulfilled and there were two deaths. We also had officers who worked in Iraq and Yemen. ”

Elite or improvised professionals, Colombian soldiers trained in the United States are already operating in several countries. Officers (R) Ceballos, León and Marulanda have agreed that when they retire – it remains to be confirmed whether there were no active duty commandos in Haiti – their fate “is subject to free will and they are still only linked to the health system. “In other words, they don’t follow them. They are deadly weapons of flesh and blood.

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