Half Lovato, hospitalized by a confused decompensation


The TMZ portal has alerted all fans of Demi Lovato for hospitalization "heroin overdose". "Our sources indicate that Half was moved from a house in Hollywood Hills shortly after noon Tuesday, and is currently being treated, we do not know what is her medical condition," they reported. So, I would have gone to a hospital in Los Angeles.

However, past hours and the same means denied that it was for substance use. Although he was unaware of the arrival of doctors, the police report states that no drugs were found at his home

  Demi Lovato's health worries the world of music.
The health of Demi Lovato worries the world of music

The 25-year-old singer had openly acknowledged her problem of drug addiction, for example, in her first documentary on Youtube. "I camouflaged it in planes, in bathrooms, at midnight, and no one knew, I could not be sober," told the star in "Simply Complicated". And he adds: "I was drugged or I thought about consuming."

Nobody talked about this alleged hospitalization in their environment. Recall that Lovato will give a recital in Argentina on November 17th.

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