Half Lovato: the singer is in a good mood and conscious


After an overdose, he recovers at the Cedars-Sinai Center in Los Angeles Source: Reuters


she wakes up and is accompanied by her family, who wants to express gratitude to all those who have sent their love, support and prayers. Some of the news that has been published is incorrect and we ask that your privacy be respected and that you do not speculate on your health. His recovery is the most important thing at the moment, "said a representative of the American singer in a statement.

Demi Lovato, 25,
she is admitted to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. In the neighborhood have been seen his mother, Dianna, and his younger sister, actress Madison De La Garza. To where it was taken the day before yesterday,

after suffering from an apparent overdose
. The paramedics who came to his home found the singer unconscious and had to treat her with a drug called Narcan, often used in case of overdose of opiates. Kerissa Dunn, Lovato's aunt, used her Twitter account to bring some peace of mind and ensure that Demi is "awake" and responds to external stimuli.

According to the transcended, singer, who arrived in April in Argentina and postponed her show for November 17, she left Monday night to celebrate the birthday of a friend in West Hollywood. Apparently, after this party, where Lovato could be seen in a good mood – through the images that circulated on social networks – the singer went to her house to continue celebrating with many of her friends.

The protagonist of
Camp Rock struggled for years to stay sober and refrain from addiction. According to what she said recently, she managed to stay away from alcohol, cocaine and opioids for 6 years, like oxycodone. "I'm ashamed to look back and see who I was," he says in the documentary
Simply C complicated, speaking of the central place that the drug occupied in his life. "I camouflaged it in planes, in the toilets, at midnight, and nobody knew it … I could not be sober … (…) I was drugged or I thought to drugs ". Well, last month, he released a song,
"Sober" ("Sober"), in which he reports on the dark moments that he went through during his adolescence. In addition to her addictions, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2010.

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