Half of those over 20 received the first dose against the coronavirus – Telam


One in two people over 20 has received a dose of the coronavirus vaccine and nearly 40% of those over 80 have full coverage of two applications in Argentina

One in two people over the age of 20 has received a dose of the coronavirus vaccine and nearly 40% of people over 80 have full coverage of two applications in Argentina

One in two people over the age of 20 has received a dose of the coronavirus vaccine and nearly 40% of people over 80 have full coverage of two applications in Argentina, the health ministry reported.

The vaccination process it is progressing rapidly in the different population groups with the continuous arrival of vaccinators. Last month they arrived nearly 8 million doses, of which 7,643,753 were applied nationwide.

Nearly 2 million vaccines They have been applied over the past week, the health ministry added in a statement.

Added to this is the arrival of new cargo from the United States with 1,139,000 doses of the coronavirus vaccine developed by the AstraZeneca laboratory and the University of Oxford, and produced by mAbxience in the city of Garn in Buenos Aires. On Monday afternoon, a shipment arrived from China with 768,000 doses of Sinopharm.

The vaccination progress report also indicates that 71.3% of people between 55 and 59 years old have started their vaccination schedule, as well as 62.3% of those between 50 and 54 years old and 48.5% of those between 45 and 49 years old. .

With the arrival of more doses, the vaccination plan accelerates its pace to a record 1,957,863 requests last week, while June 4 was the day when the most vaccines were administered, with 363,398 candidates.

Concerning the over 60s, disaggregated by age group, 88.1% of people aged 60 to 69 have already applied the first dose, which is replicated in 89.1% in people aged 70 to 79 and in 80.6% people aged 80 and over.

According to the Public Vaccination Monitor, the online registry that shows the vaccination operation across the country in real time, 20,630,190 vaccines were distributed on Monday morning, of which 18,085,389 have already been applied: 14,397,649 people received the first dose and 3,687,740 both.


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