Hamas bombs Israel again: alarm sirens in Tel Aviv, people rush to shelters


An image of the new Hamas rocket attack on Tel Aviv. (Photo: AFP)

This Saturday night they rang again at least four times the sirens of the Israeli city of Tel Aviv and also throughout the center of the country by new rocket attacks launched by Hamas. So far, no deaths have been reported, although yes some injured.

The terrorist organization thus complied with the threat that he had done, which indicated that he would attack Israel again between 22 on Saturday and 0 on Sunday local time in response to the bombardment of “Number 2” of the group led earlier today by the IDF.

In dialogue with TN the Argentine journalist Alan Chronic, who lives in Tel Aviv, gave details of the new attack: “We were all with the uncertainty Whether it could happen or not, already at 12:10 am the alarms started ringing and that is why we are shelter of my apartment with some colleagues and a friend who decided to come here to spend these moments. Terrorists have more and more firepower ”.

“So far what we can know about what we may have read while being here is that basically they have already reported some injured when they tried to run to the shelters and protect themselves, and some of the shards interceptions made by the An iron dome in some cities, ”Kronik added.

In this sense, the Argentine journalist said that “we don’t want to move much from here because we are in the secure room of my house. The place has armored doors, which are reinforced with steel ”.

Regarding when they can already be considered safe after an attack, Kronik explained: last explosion you have to wait 10 minutes be able to leave the refuge ”.

The Al Jalaa tower housed the offices of several international media. (Photo: Reuters / Suhaib Salem). ).

For its part, the Israeli army bombed the residences of Hamas “number 2” in Gaza on Saturday, Jalil al Haya, and that of the head of special operations of the terrorist group for this territory, Raed Saad, Without, for the moment, no information on possible victims in either of the two cases has transpired.

The IDF itself has confirmed the attack on Al Hague’s house and issued a video of the same, justifying the bombardment because the property was used as “Terrorist infrastructure” although he does not give more information about it.

Palestinian media also reported the attack on Al Hague’s residence in Gaza City, specifically in the district of Refugees camp by Seyaiya. Al Haya is a member of the Hamas leadership.

Later, the IDF reported the attack on the residence of Saad, considered “Hamas’ chief of special operations for the entire Gaza Strip,” according to a military statement. Saad’s house served as “Military infrastructure” for Hamas.

The IDF subsequently reported attacks on various “battalion commanders” of Hamas, and designated the alleged commanders of the Palestinian group as Jalid Manaamra.


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