Hand sanitizer: how to safely use it to fight coronavirus


If soap and water are not available, it is important to disinfect your hands with an alcohol gel.  EFE / Raúl Martínez / Archives
If soap and water are not available, it is important to disinfect your hands with an alcohol gel. EFE / Raúl Martínez / Archives

One of the most effective ways to stop the spread of novel coronavirus It is through the hand cleaning, wash them regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after using the toilet, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing or blowing one’s nose.

If soap and water are not available, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends use hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol to help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.

To do this, rub the disinfectant all over the surface of the hands, making sure that it passes between the fingers and the backs of the hands. It is important to remember that it is not necessary to clean or rinse the hand sanitizer before it dries. It should not be used if the hands are visibly dirty or oily; instead, you should wash your hands with soap and water.

A security guard gives a woman alcoholic gel as people line up outside an AFP (Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones) branch in Santiago, Chile.  REUTERS / Iván Alvarado
A security guard gives a woman alcoholic gel, while people line up outside an AFP (Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones) branch in Santiago, Chile. REUTERS / Iván Alvarado

If you are using alcohol-based hand sanitizers, keep in mind these 6 safety tips.

1- Hand sanitizers are medicines

Hand sanitizers are regulated as over the counter drugs. If you are using alcohol-based hand sanitizers, read and follow the medication information label, especially the disclaimers section.

Keep hand sanitizer out of the reach of pets and childrenand children should only use it under adult supervision. Call your doctor or the poison control helpline if you experience a severe reaction to the hand sanitizer.

2- Keep the hand sanitizer away from your eyes

Pay special attention do not put hand sanitizer in the eyesas it can cause burns and damage the surface of the eye. Watch small children around dispensers containing hand sanitizer, which are often mounted at eye level and may splash.

He enters hand sanitizer in eyes, rinse well with water as soon as possible and call a healthcare professional.

Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol to help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others (Shutterstock.com)
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol to help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others (Shutterstock.com)

3- Use hand sanitizer in a well ventilated area

If you use hand sanitizer in an enclosed area, such as a car, open windows to improve ventilation until the hand sanitizer is dry.

4- Monitor children who use hand sanitizer

Do not drink hand sanitizer. This is especially important for children, especially young children, who may be attracted to the pleasant smell or the brightly colored bottles of hand sanitizer. Drinking even a small amount of hand sanitizer can cause alcohol poisoning in children (but there is no need to worry if your children eat or lick their hands after using hand sanitizer).

During this coronavirus pandemic, Poison control centers have seen an increase in calls about accidental ingestion of hand sanitizerIt is therefore important that adults supervise the use of young children.

If you are using hand sanitizer in an enclosed area, such as a car, open the windows to improve ventilation (Shutterstock.com)
If you are using hand sanitizer in an enclosed area, such as a car, open the windows to improve ventilation (Shutterstock.com)

Be careful with alcohol-based hand sanitizers are packaged in containers that may appear to be food or drink, and with those which contain food flavors or fragrances. The FDA has found that some hand sanitizers are packaged in baby food bags, water bottles, and adult beverage bottles, such as beer cans and liquor and wine bottles. We also found hand sanitizers containing food flavors or fragrances, such as chocolate or raspberry. Eating or drinking these products can cause serious injury or death.

Do not allow animals to swallow hand sanitizer. Yes you think your pet has eaten something potentially dangerous, call your veterinarian or poison control center for pets immediately. Hand sanitizer is flammable and should be stored away from heat and flame.

When using hand sanitizer, rub your hands until they are completely dry before engaging in activities that may involve heat, sparks, static electricity, or open flames.

Young children may be drawn to the pleasant smell or the brightly colored hand sanitizer bottles, so it is important to monitor their use (Shutterstock.com)
Young children may be drawn to the pleasant smell or the brightly colored hand sanitizer bottles, so it is important to monitor their use (Shutterstock.com)

5- List of products banned by the FDA

The FDA found serious safety concerns with some hand sanitizers during testing. This includes some hand sanitizers:

-contaminated by potentially toxic alcohols

-which do not contain enough active ingredient (ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol)

-with labels containing false, misleading or unproven claims

In any place or during any activity, it is vital to disinfect your hands (Reuters)
In any place or during any activity, it is vital to disinfect your hands (Reuters)

6- don’t make your own hand sanitizer

The FDA does not recommend that consumers make their own hand sanitizer. If not done correctly, hand sanitizer can be ineffective, or even worse. For example, there have been reports of skin burns caused by hand sanitizer.

Additionally, adding alcohol to an alcohol-free hand sanitizer is unlikely to result in an effective product. And using disinfectant sprays or wipes on the skin can cause skin and eye irritation. Disinfectant sprays and wipes are designed to clean surfaces, not people or animals.


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