Handcuffed and sedated: the truth about the rescue of Thais imprisoned in a cave


The authorities announced that the 12 children had learned to dive to get out of the encierro, but the reality was a joke.

The 12 boys of a Thai football team held captive in a cave with their coach kept the world in abeyance for 17 days. His rescue was very much celebrated, but it was a real joke. The children never learned to dive out of the cave, as the authorities said at the time.

according to The Cave (The Cave), written by Liam Cochrane, Australian Channel Correspondent ABC who covered the rescue, the children came out of the cave attached and sedated with ketamine.

After 10 days of incarceration, the recatistas arrived on the spot and made contact with the boys. They fed them and saw under what conditions they were: it was a race against the clock because the oxygen would end in the previous days. There was nothing to do but dive, but the problem was how to do it.

Rescuers who were in the flooded cave knew that it was impossible for a child who had never dived to learn to do so and who could get out through narrow tunnels filled with mud and almost without visibility. The only chance was to calm them down: put oxygen masks on their faces, seal them with silicone so they do not get stuck and let the divers carry them to the exit. Although it was a risky alternative, it was the only viable solution.

The boys were sedated with three drugs: Xanax, to relieve fear; ketamine, to put them to sleep, and atropine, to reduce saliva in the mouth, with which they could drown. A second injection of ketamine would be done after one hour with a pre-filled syringe, so that the sedation would last three hours, the time needed to get to the exit.


Despite the fear that something is going wrong, the twelve children were safe and sound with this modality, but the rescue that ended up being a success was also a joke. It is that the parents of the children and the world have been informed that wild boars would be taught to dive.


They saved four of the thirteen children trapped in the cave


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