Handkerchief and other appeals to 28S: the first with legal abortion in the country | Global Day of Action in Latin America and the Caribbean


As part of the Global Day of Action for Access to Legal Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is commemorated every September 28, the National campaign for the right to legal, safe and free abortion in the city of Buenos Aires called for a “table and a handkerchief” in front of the Congress, in the emblematic corner of Confiserie El Molino, in Callao and Rivadavia.

“We color the street green, come with a chin strap», They called from the Campaign in the City which invites us to go out again in the street with green scarves, after a year and a half of pandemic.

From the campaign at the national level, they announced that tomorrow they would launch a national declaration for the treatment this September 28 of the first year of legal abortion in Argentina.

Also from Twitter account CampAbortoLegal “> @ CampAbortoLegal They will share the calls for activities which will be replicated throughout the country.

The The historic debate of 2018 showed the immense power of “the green tide”, when hundreds of thousands of women across the country rallied in front of Congress to support the voluntary termination of pregnancy project, which at the time had not become law.

Almost two years later, in december 2020, the Senate gave the green light, this time yes, to the bill that would make legal abortion a law in Argentina.

Law 27 610, relating to “access to voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG), obligation to provide complete and free coverage” it finally came into effect on January 24 of this year. There, the State obliges all social assistance and prepaid medicine companies to guarantee full and free coverage of the voluntary termination of pregnancy within a maximum period of 10 days on request.

It is expected that this year, the first with legal abortion, the Campaign will put the the axis of activities in the obstacles and difficulties that still persist for the fulfillment of the law.

As part of the 28S, Amnesty International they celebrated the importance for the country to have a law but denounced that there is still numerous obstacles to access to this right.

“One of the main barriers to access is due to the lack of public information campaigns. Added to this is the collapse of 0800 Sexual Health, the consultation line on where and how to access voluntary (IV) and legal (ILE) pregnancy termination, “they denounced from the organization.


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