"Handsome man": Richard Gere, to the rescue of stranded immigrants


The actor brought food to 121 people rescued at sea and waiting for several days a port to land

"Handsome man": Richard Gere, to the rescue of stranded immigrants

Richard Gere, yesterday, gives food to immigrants rescued and stranded in the Mediterranean / ap

The American actor Richard Gere, protagonist of the unforgettable "Pretty Woman", brought food yesterday to the ship of the NGO "Open Arms", waiting to be able to show a port in which to land 121 immigrants saved in the Mediterranean a week ago.

The organization has released photographs in which you can see the actor and activist, married to the Spanish businesswoman Alejandra Silva, bring food and supplies to the humanitarian ship.

"Finally, little good news. Food arrives at #OpenArms and we have an outstanding #RichardGere teammate, "said the organization on his Twitter account.

The movie star brought food parcels for the immigrants rescued at sea and their crew.

The actor arrived from the Italian island of Lampedusa (south) and, once aboard the humanitarian ship and surrounded a group of young immigrants, explained that everyone was going "well" and defended the rescue efforts of the Spanish organization. .

"The people we see on this ship are here because of the work developed by Open Arms and the most important for these people who are here is to get to the harbor, get off the boats, touch the ground and start a new life, "he said.

"Open Arms" has been waiting near Lampedusa, in international waters, last week for a refuge to protect 121 immigrants rescued at sea during two different operations.

The first rescue took place on Thursday, August 1, during which 55 immigrants were rescued, including two baby twins and a pregnant woman. The second took place in the middle of the night the next day and 69 people were saved, between these two children and two pregnant women. Subsequently, two women were placed in a state of advanced pregnancy.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, a right-wing activist who keeps the ports closed to NGOs, which he accuses of promoting illegal immigration, insisted that he would not let the ship enter Italian waters. And that immigrants are the "direct responsibility" of Madrid.


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