Hard blow to Donald Trump: his justice minister says there was not enough “fraud” to change the election result


A blow. United States Attorney General William Barr said on Tuesday that he had found no “fraud “enough to invalidate Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 presidential election, contrary to what President Donald Trump claims.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale sufficient to have changed the outcome of the election,” Barr said in statements to the US agency. Associated press.

In the interview, Barr revealed that prosecutors and FBI agents were following leads and dealing with complaints they received, but so far they have not detected no irregularities this may change the result of the vote.

The comments are particularly important because Barr has been one of the outgoing president’s closest allies, who refuses to accept Biden’s election victory.

Before the elections, he repeatedly raised the possibility that postal ballots were vulnerable to fraud, at a time when part of the population chose to vote in this way in order to avoid a physical presence in the polls. polling stations during the election. Coronavirus pandemic.

Last month, he gave instructions to federal prosecutors across the country, authorizing them to investigate all “substantial allegations” of electoral irregularities even before the election, even though there was no indication at all. era of widespread fraud.

This memorandum authorized prosecutors to waive certain Department of Justice regulations that generally prohibit such actions before certification of an election. Shortly after the publication of the order, the person responsible for investigating electoral irregularities at the Ministry of Justice resigned in protest.

Trump’s campaign, led by Rudy Giuliani, accused Democrats of infiltrating millions of illegal votes, but they showed no evidence.

Courts in many of the country’s major states have rejected their requests, even by Republican judges. Some Republican politicians have repeated Trump’s denunciations, although they have also shown no evidence.

Trump has denounced the election in tweets and interviews, despite his own administration confirming the 2020 election to be the cleanest in the country’s history. In recent days, the president has allowed his team to begin the transition for Biden, although he refuses to admit losing.

The issues Trump and his allies cite are minor and inherent in any election: signature issues, poorly sealed envelopes, confusingly marked ballots, or the possibility that a small group of votes has been lost.

Still, a lawyer for Trump’s team, Sidney Powell has called for more investigations. Powell has been removed from the team in recent days following threats to “blow up” Georgia with “biblical proportions” lawsuits.

Source: AFP

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