Hard complaints from Lanata against Bragarnik for the arrival of Diego al Lobo


Jorge Lanata spoke last night of the arrival of Diego Maradona in gymnastics. In his soliloquy, he launched strong complaints about his hiring as DT albiazul. The reporter linked the "Ten" to the player's representative, Christian Bragarnik, whom he accused of having relations with drug trafficking. But he has also entered politics and underlined the former current president and current vice-president of the Front of All, Cristina Kirchner.

Lanata wondered, "Where did you get the gymnastics string, who's pinching Maradona?" He then said that Bragarnik was "the main representative of Argentine footballers" who, in 2001, was first elected as a representative after pbading a former Talleres player Mariano Monroy at the headquarters of Mexican President Queretaro. from the club in 10 minutes. He was an entrepreneur with very strong links to drug trafficking. "

Then he went further and dedicated a paragraph to the former president: "From now on, Diego will coach in the country, and especially in Gimnasia and Esgrima La Plata, the club of which Cristina is a fan".

For his part, continuing with the representative, he said "that he is now advising Jorge Hank Rhon, a Baja California politician suspected of running a network of casinos that cleans black money from the Tijuana cartel. This man is the owner of the Cholos of this city and the Dorados of Sinaloa, where Bragarnik also took Maradona. "He also stated that Bragarnik had been the subject of an investigation in October 2014 for" suspicious operation "because" they had found the amount of the operation of Julio César Rodríguez, Defense and Justice, to Dorados de Sinaloa, in exchange for 70 000 dollars, for the international market of professional football ".

Similarly, the head of the program "Journalism for all" said that "the investigation had never advanced" and that one of the causes was that "Claudia Maria Angelici, sister of the president of Boca , held a position at the headquarters of the AFIP Audit Database Division ".

In his soliloquy, Lanata came to talk about Maradona for all that he experienced in the week that "started with a climate of psychosis: tails to the banks to withdraw deposits in dollars … and ended up doing the tail, but see Maradona in gymnastics. "This served as a trigger to send with the loud complaints that he slipped.


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