Hard criticism of Merkel and May to Trump for his sexist and xenophobic comments against four members of Congress


Comments racist, badist and xenophobic of US President Donald Trump against four Democratic deputies did not only spawn the denial of his country's congress. On the other side of the Atlantic, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Theresa May have criticized controversial statements of the republican.

Trump generated a wave of indignation when he urged four members of the opposition Congress, all Americans belonging to minorities, to "return" to their countries. However, three of them were born in the United States: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York, Rashida Tlaib in Detroit and Ayanna Pressley in Chicago. Ilhan Omar, meanwhile, was born in Somalia, but gained citizenship while she was a teenager, having arrived as a refugee with her family.

The four Congressmen attacked by Trump: Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. (Photo: AFP)
The four Congressmen attacked by Trump: Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. (Photo: AFP)

Two days after rejection motion led by the opposition failed in Washington, the latest reactions came from Berlin. Merkel, who has a difficult relationship with Trump, came to criticize him for his statements.

For the Chancellor, "the strength of the United States lies in the fact that people of different origins contribute to the greatness of the country", so evoked the tweets with which Trump attacked the four representatives of the Democratic Party " unlike the greatness of the United States"

Supporters of Donald Trump at the act in Greenville in which they chanted a Congolese parliamentarian screaming
Supporters of Donald Trump during the act in Greenville in which they chanted a Democratic parliamentarian to cry "devuenvala". (Photo: AFP)

"I stand out clearly" from these attacks and "I support" these women, said the German leader at a press conference.

However, she is not the first European leader to openly condemn the US president. In fact, one of the first to do so was British Prime Minister Theresa May, with whom Trump has better relations. Shortly after leaving office after the failure of the Brexit negotiations, the leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party claimed that Trump's claims were "totally unacceptable"

From Trump to his supporters

Despite criticism inside and outside the United States, Trump's attitude has dangerous replica of his supporters. At a campaign rally in North Carolina, fans chanted "Send it!" In reference to Muslim congressman Ilhan Omar.

Before a tide of red caps with the caption "Make America great again"The President appointed Latina Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, African-American Ayanna Pressley and Muslim Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, whom she had urged Sunday "back" to their country of origin, "places infested with crime".

"They do not like our country, they are so angry, they do not like it, let them go, let them go," the president said. The statements have heightened the tension inside and outside the United States.

The controversy increases

On Friday, Trump criticized the media, which he described as "crazy," for covering the scandals of his supporters against the Congressman born in Somalia.

Before growing controversy By the songs "irevuélvanla!", Directed Wednesday by his supporters against Democratic MP Ilhan Omar, Trump accused the media of having an "unhealthy badociation" with his Democratic opponents.

"It's amazing to see how False News Media has become" crazy "with shouts of" Go back! "(…) but they accept with absolute calm the basest and most disgusting comments from three radical members of Congress," Trump told Twitter.

So sad to see the Democrats defend the interests of those who speak so badly of our country and who, moreover, hate Israel with a real and unbridled pbadion. Whenever they are confronted, they call their opponents, including Nancy Pelosi, "RACIST", their disgusting language …..

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 15, 2019

Trump's comments received this week a official repudiation. The House of Representatives voted Tuesday to condemn the Republican for the first reprimand against a president approved by the lower house of Congress in over 100 years. The vote even surpbaded the differences between the parties: four Republicans and the only independent representative of the House of Representatives, Justin Amash of Michigan, voted with all the Democrats to condemn the president.

Despite the controversy, Trump continued the attacks at the rally in North Carolina a day later, where his supporters chanted Omar. "Return!".

However, in the face of the growing wave of repudiation, he stepped away from the incident and declared that he did not approve of the cries of his supporters, but the television footage shows it silently leaving them space before continuing his speech.


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