Hard "right": The Pen defeated Macron in the European elections | Chronic


Marine Le Pen, with its National Reunification Party (RN), was imposed on the European elections of the Republic formation in March (LREM) of the President Emmanuel Macronand immediately called for the dissolution of the National Assembly.

Being established as a leader of the "Future alternation"Le Pen asked Macron "badume the consequences". This occurs, in his opinion, "For the dissolution of the National Assembly, there is no other choice", he said, according to the news agency Europa Press.

"I receive this result with humility, when you finish second in an election, you can not say that you won it", said the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe.

For the second time, the match of Le Pen is imposed in Europe as in 2014 when he had defeated Francois Hollande, inflicting on this occasion the first electoral defeat of the Macron race. These European elections were also a test after the yellow jackets crisis, which for more than six months protested in the streets against the president's policy.

Macron, more and more weakened.

In this election, the RN (new name of the former National Front) won 23.2% of the vote, compared to 21.9% of Macron. Meanwhile, the success of the list Europa Ecología, in third place (12.8%), and the defeat of the traditional right of Republicans (the party of Nicolas Sarkozy, 8.3%) were the surprises of the election night, the Ansa news agency reported.

The political panorama of France, which has in fact experienced a historic peak of participation with an influx of 52% (almost 10% more than in 2014, a record since 1994), seems profoundly altered. But RN's victory is a setback for a leader like Macron, who came to power in 2017 with the promise of transforming Europe and, two years later, sees how the first time his fellow citizens voted on the list with more support is that of eurosceptic Le Pen.

The victory reinforces Le Pen, which ended the promise of the Frexit (exit of France from the EU), and recovered from the defeat against Macron in the presidential election of 2017. The result was also for his candidate, Jordan Bardella, 23, who offered a picture of youth and normality at a party long stigmatized.

"Today, the people have won, they have taken power again"said Le Pen exulting in addressing his supporters, radically transforming the image of two years ago, when she appeared to have been definitively eliminated after her personal defeat by Macron, in a televised debate that is remained in the minds of all Frenchmen.


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