Harsh document from former presidents on situation in Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela and warns against “persecution” of Macri


A large group of former Democratic presidents of Spain and the Americas warned in a statement against repression in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba and persecution in Bolivia and Argentina, citing the case of former President Mauricio Macri.

Under the title of Declaration on the Criminalization of Democratic Leadership, the former heads of state and government members of the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA) affirm that they “observe with concern and alert public opinion international conference on the process of the removal of democratic language by the anti-democratic radical left which still exists in the region after the fall of the Iron Curtain thirty years ago. “

“The deliberate goal – he adds – is to empty the content of the experience of democracy by prostrating its essential elements, using them to access and maintain power unlike alternation in its exercise and thus, through constitutional forms, dismantle the state. of law and the same democratic guarantees of human rights ”.

The press release signed, among others, by the Chilean Eduardo Frei, the Spaniard José María Aznar and the Mexican Vicente Fox, denounces that “in the same order they preach a so-called hybrid war or legal war, which would be part of it (lawfare), to report who fell victim to this disturbing practice. “

He adds that “it is rather currently being implemented by governments allied to this anti-democratic left in order to criminalize oppositions which authentically defend the values ​​of democracy and freedom. The imprisonment and systematic criminalization of political and social leaders who openly oppose the regimes of Cuba and its colonies in Venezuela and Nicaragua, they are instructive in this regard. “

“In Cuba, 700 Cubans were violently detained and prosecuted for demonstrations calling for freedom on the 11J, while in Nicaragua 5 candidates for the presidential elections in November were arrested and prosecuted, accusing them of undermining sovereignty for” inciting foreign interference in business and demanding military interventions, “including social communicators,” the document said.

Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua

Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua

Regarding Venezuela, he says that “after the simulation of a new attempt at dialogue amid the repression and violence that continues in the context of a serious humanitarian crisis caused by his regime, he chooses to persecute the interim president Juan Guaidó and imprison MP Freddy Guevara, one of the leaders promoting the aforementioned dialogue as part of a national salvation agreement. “

“In Bolivia,” he said, “after a process of constitutional succession endorsed and recognized by the OAS, the UN, the EU, China and Russia, after the resignation of then-president Evo Morales,” his new authorities are reversing the rhetoric, accusing the independent media are persecuting those who prevented the aforementioned incident from undermining the democratic viability of Bolivia, and now the former presidents who ensured this transition are prosecuted. “

At this point, the statement claims that “an attempt is being made to manipulate this case to persecute, with the help of the current Argentine government, former President Mauricio Macri, whom his anti-democratic left opponents have targeted and prosecuted. judicial without real detention or by manifestly political differences ”.

“It does not go without saying that in this case, under the leadership of the current Argentine ruler, the hybrid and legal warfare devised by the aforementioned undemocratic far left in the Americas takes on its full significance; therefore, it is imperative to appeal to the Administration of Justice, judges and prosecutors, so that they do not forget that the fate of democratic freedoms ultimately rests in their hands, ”he said.

The document bears the signatures of Óscar Arias, Costa Rica José María Aznar, Spain Nicolás Ardito Barletta, Panama Felipe Calderón H., Mexico Rafael Ángel Calderón, Costa Rica Alfredo Cristiani, El Salvador Vicente Fox Q., Mexico Federico Franco G., Paraguay Eduardo Frei R., Chile Lucio E. Gutiérrez, Ecuador Osvaldo Hurtado, Ecuador Jamil Mahuad W., Ecuador Mireya Moscoso, Panama Andrés Pastrana, Colombia Jorge Tuto Quiroga, Bolivia Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Panama Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Colombia Juan Carlos Wasmosy Paraguay


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