Harsh message from the brother of a doctor who died of Covid-19 – News


The man was furious when he saw in the media and networks the intense tourist movement and the lack of care during Holy Week, and made a harsh message to remember his brother.

“I hope they took some nice pictures on the beach and keep them. It was the last photo in my life that I saw of my doctor brother who died taking care of idiots like you,” he writes Twitter accompanying the publication of an image of his deceased brother.

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Some users disagreed with the heartbreaking post. “People have the right to go out and get sick, public doctors are obliged to take care of them, or if they cannot, resign whenever they want, being a doctor and seeing the situation in the country, I would have resigned a long time ago, ”replied a user.

Another publication noted the number of doctors who died in Honduras: 72. There, the brother of the deceased professional was moved and shared a family photo.

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Doctor Ulloa Cáceres was from the community of San Isidro, Santa Cruz de Yojoa. He was a recognized professional and director of the Peripheral Emergency Clinics (Cliper) in Tegucigalpa.

He died of Covid-19, at Escuela Hospital (HE) in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in early August 2020.

Honduras has added 17 new deaths from Covid-19 in the past few hours, reaching 4,703 deaths, while confirmed cases of the coronavirus already exceed 193,000, according to the national risk management system.


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