Harvard University Offers Free Online Courses to Students Around the World | the Chronicle


Harvard, one of the most prestigious universities in United States, has opened its doors to all students of the world so that they can learn from its teachings. This time, via the site www.edx.org, allowed the registration to 67 courses of different disciplines for those who want to follow them. They are done virtually and for free. The only thing that needs to be paid is the final certificate, which depends on the choice of course, has a cost ranging from US $ 25 to US $ 200.

Students can register to take them online. In total, most of these courses are completed in 4 weeks and their teachers are university staff. All are in English, and but the disciplines are diverse. Those who wish to train will be able to choose between history, theology, art, architecture and programming, with JavaScript and Python languages, for example. It also offers a wide variety of themes related to Health, administration, cooking and artificial intelligence (AI), which is on the rise, among many others also given by experts in the field. At online-learning.harvard.edu you can also find the full catalog.

According to the EDX platform, it clarifies that, “MOOC course” from the university, you can attend as a “Assistant -free- or choose to receive a Verified Certificate, for very little money”. In the case of not wanting to pay for the certificate, the student can follow the courses in the same way. Once one has clicked on the one chosen, ranging from meteorology to past epidemics, detailed information is accessible.

“Those who venture here to learn, research, teach, work and grow join nearly four centuries of students and academics,” reads the House of Graduate Studies website. “In search of truth, knowledge and a better world”, concludes his presentation.

HarvardX is the name of the service offered on the www.edx.org website.

Harvard University is located on the east coast of the United States, in the town of Cambridge, state of Massachusetts. It was founded in 1636 and is America’s oldest and most influential institution of higher education. Today, it has more than 371,000 living alumni.

The University is ranked number one in the Academic ranking of world universities and tenth in the world ranking of universities according to HEEACT and in the ranking of American News and World Report. In addition, with the Princeton University Yes Yale, has the biggest budget in the world: $ 39.2 billion in 2018.

Now, thanks to online courses, every passionate student who has always dreamed of studying in HarvardYou can even breathe it from a distance and benefit from the wisest teachers.


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