Has Russia intervened in the social crisis in Chile?


The Chilean government has again met Thursday the opposition to request a consensual outing of the unexpected social crisis that runs through the country, motivated, according to the United States, by "Russian activities" aimed at "exacerbating division".

"We have indications on the activities of Russia to give a negative course to the debate in Chile", a state department official who asked not to be identified told reporters. The diplomat said that there were obvious signs of people "taking advantage of the debate" to "exacerbate division and foster conflict", mainly through social networks.

"A divided region"

The White House announced Thursday that Trump had called his Chilean counterpart to express his support and denounced the "existence" of foreign efforts to undermine the institutions "in the country.In the meantime, the same American diplomat said that Russia has increased its influence in Latin America"It seems that they prefer a divided region and that the democratic debate is impregnated in the conflict, which is regrettable," he said about the Russians.

"We have seen evidence of Russian activities that support this negative evolution of the debate," said the official, according to the US agency. Reuters.

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro, denounced last week a "scheme" of destabilization of Venezuela and Cuba – headed first to Colombia and Ecuador, then to Chile -, attributing to these countries a responsibility in the massive mobilizations against the government in the region.

The United States and Russia are facing the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. After the United States and more than 50 countries recognized the Speaker of Parliament, Juan Guaidó, Acting President against Maduro, Moscow's support was essential for the Caracas government. US intelligence agencies too They accused Russia of deploying a troll operation and controversy on social networks promote the Trump campaign in 2016.



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