Hate is not welcome | They call to walk by the …


Jair Bolsonaro will arrive next Thursday in Buenos Aires for the first time since his accession to the presidency of Brazil. The president of the far right will be received by Mauricio Macri and various sectors have decided to convene a day of resistance to prevent his visit. The appointment will be at the Plaza de Mayo, June 6, from 18h.

Social movements, unions, referents and political parties called to mobilize. The organizers recall that at Thursday's meeting, the two leaders "will discuss a bilateral agenda including issues such as the restructuring of Mercosur, Venezuela and the presidential elections in Argentina."

The appeal at Plaza de Mayo is "in defense of Latin American sovereignty and solidarity". Among the other slogans will be claimed "against the neoliberal policies of Bolsonaro and Macri, saying no to authoritarianism, militarism and racist statements, machismo, homophobia and advocacy for torture expressed by Bolsonaro ". The day will coincide with the usual Mothers Day tour of Plaza de Mayo.

Poster of the call against the President of Brazil.

The Bolsonaro government faced its first general strike on May 15 in a context of increased unemployment in 14 of the 27 states and poverty across the country. In addition, the government has reduced the budget of higher education by nearly 30%. The organizers recalled that "Bolsonaro's rise to the presidency and his continued advocacy of torture and discrimination led Brazil to raise all its indicators of racist violence, gender, feminicide, violence and 39, homophobia and transphobia ".

They also point out that "by electing Macri to the presidency, Argentina has been spearheading the new right-leaning observed throughout Latin America" ​​and that "if this year lose the elections, the resistance to these governments will be demonstrated poverty, repression and death ".

#ArgentinaRechazaBolsonaro is the slogan in the form of a hashtag, under the slogan "Your hatred is not welcome here." Among others, they bring together ATE Capital, the Feminist People's Assembly, Argentina Attac, the Migrants Cinema, Pbadarinho Coletivo, the CTA, the autonomous CTA, the migrant students of the University of Buenos Aires , the LGBT Federation of Argentina (FALGBT), the Milagro Sala Frente, the Front Patria Grande, the Darío Santillán Popular Front, the FUBA, the Campora, the Garganta Poderosa, Marea Ciudadana, the National Round Table for the equality and anti-discrimination, Migrantesxmigrants, the Evita movement, No One Minus and Queer Screenprinters.


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