Have candidates wishing to return to the Congress attended the sessions?


One of the most objective parameters for measuring the degree of industrialization of a national legislator is its level of badistance in voting plans. The greater the participation of a senator or a deputy in the vote, the more important their stay on the premises, as well as their commitment to the issues under discussion.

In the next elections

half of the Chamber of Deputies and one third of the Senate will be renewed. Among the candidates for entry to Congress, there are 78 lawmakers and former legislators who intend to renew their banks or return to Congress. Some of them are at the top of the list of the main contending electoral fronts.

What was the level of voting support for candidates during their previous visit to Congress? The team of
LN data processed the information posted on the websites of both cameras and the revelations that the work throws are striking.

A first conclusion is that the rate of non-participation in the vote is relatively high: only half of the 78 legislators and former legislators who intend to return to Congress voted for more than 80% of the projects under discussion.

In this average, there are those who show a high level of support during voting and others who, on the contrary, have been chronically absent. The performance of women stands out in the first batch. The current governor of Tierra del Fuego, Rosana Bertone, has been national member three times in a row for her province (from 2001 to 2013) and was absent only in 9.4% of the vote. In the Senate (2013-2015), he was fully badisted.

Among the most complacent legislators are also Cambiemos MPs Silvia Lospennato and Karina Banfi, candidates in Buenos Aires. They were present in 99.5% and 99.1% of the votes, respectively. He remains in the standings, with 98.7%, the former Front deputy for Victoria Mara Brawer, sixth in the list of federal capitals.

Correntino José Rodolfo Martínez Llano, national deputy of the PJ between 1999 and 2003, is at the top of the list of legislators and former legislators with the highest number of absences. During these years, 165 projects were put to the vote and Correntino was absent. 132, 80% of the faults. Martínez Llano is a candidate for the deputation of his province on the Frente de Todos lists, although he separates by a ballot, that is to say without the presidential tyramo. absences.

Consulted by the nation, Martínez Llano admitted that he could have this level of absence during the vote, although he stressed that he was present at most of the sessions and at the discussion of the most relevant laws. "Sometimes the debates in the Chamber of Deputies are sometimes too extensive, with endless speeches and many voted projects are only resolutions or declarations, which is why I have not always stayed up to date. at the end of the sessions, "was it justified.

Similar explanations use the Cordoba Luis Juez (Civic Front), Senator between 2009 and 2015; and Omar De Marchi, national deputy of the Mendoza Democratic Party between 2005 and 2013. The two countries hold respectively 49% and 47% of the vote. De Marchi, third on the list of candidates to the lower house led by the current governor of Mendoza, Alfredo Cornejo, was known at the time for his harsh speeches against Kirnerism and for his presence in favor of his perfect or almost perfect attendance at sessions. "Omar was to be part of the House at the pinnacle of Kirchnerism, where everything was voted to closed book and without debate." He was not present at some votes, it was because in his opinion, there were invitable projects, "he says. spokesman

Incubators in front

The level of absence of former deputies who now run the lists of candidates for the lower house has also been increased. This is the case of Sergio Mbada, the first candidate for the national deputation of the Todos Front in Buenos Aires. According to the ranking of
LN data second figure with 55.8% of the votes cast while he was a member, between 2013 and 2017. He did not answer the country's questions. The former governor of Santiago del Estero, Claudia Zamora, current MP and candidate for the Senate of the Civic Front of Santiago, follows in the rankings.

In Capital, the case of Fernando "Pino" Solanas, at the top of the list of candidates for national deputies of the Front de Todos, is curious: during his last term as deputy (2009-2013), 61% of the votes were absent. But he improved his performance in the Senate (2013-2019), where he missed only 31%.

"In the Chamber of Deputies, I attended 86.5% of the sessions and I was absent by voting for not agreeing with what was going to be dealt with, such as giving the 39, money to the IMF to increase the Argentine quota, approve the Legal Digest, where The laws of the dictatorship were validated and others, like the law on the financial administration, to escape the Congress in matters of I did not attend the vote when many closed book projects were approved, "he said.
The nation.



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