Have we visited two species of extraterrestrials? | Chronic


By Jorge Fernández Gentile
[email protected]

Cyclically, a recurring theme emerges, among the huge amount of information that seems to be constantly circulating in all the media, around the UFO phenomenon. In addition, some problems seem to be recycled, others explode, sometimes pale, then reappear strongly. As when the possibility is restored that the major powers are bringing to light all they know about this problem.

This is the theme of the mysterious Soviet book of 1946, apparently written by the KGB (Secret Diet Police), which provides incredible information about foreign races such as the Allgruuk and the Rak, as long as their data is not a story of science fiction. From an ingenious mind. Something that, for the moment, is impossible to verify.

Were of other times

When there was still the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, better known as the Soviet Union (USSR), and a communist regime that encompbaded from 1922 to 1991 several countries of vast regions of the USSR. Eurasia, in addition to the countries called "Satellites" All under the Russian baton, the revelations about extraterrestrial phenomena were known, although with the droppers, such was the policy applied by the Soviet (Supreme Council), which "Filtered" all that was known beyond the Berlin Wall, which seemed to divide much more than territories between the Western Caller and the Eastern Call to which they belonged.

However, the truth is that many skilled people, such as researchers, scientists and even Soviet soldiers, had the perception that extraterrestrial beings existed. Even in later declbadified files, notably the KGB, many others have provided irrefutable proof.

In this context, the children of a Ukrainian official are those who have discovered a strange and ancient book whose content is specifically devoted to the incessant visits of extraterrestrial beings on the planet Earth and which, even, would contain a huge amount of secrets of the universe, with the rendezvous of all the extraterrestrial races that inhabit different stars, most unknown …

Amazing details

If anything is surprising in the story, it is that in its pages an unknown author accurately indicates the dates on which these beings in their space missions visited our soil, while ratifying what many presuppose: the high military commanders concealed their information to the world.

In one of its pages, the collaboration of the terrestrial races of the Allgruuk and Rak races of the Constellation Yéseros and the conversations that these beings would have had (or maintained) with different governments of the world are resolutely evoked. It even describes the characteristics and conformations of the extraterrestrial ships that once visited this world. And it goes further: it explains how you can establish direct communication with your crew.

L & # 39; Allgruuk

According to the book, Allgruuk visited our planet about 300 years ago and was the main interested in the development and evolution of man. A fact which is not less so, if we consider one of the key dates in the history of humanity, since in the middle of the eighteenth century, the so-called industrial revolution began in England. Do they have anything to do with something? For the moment, this does not specify that this contact has been cut, but that implies that the powers that reigned in the middle of the last century (the date when the enigmatic writing was found) would have had a fluid contact, which does not has never been officially revealed. .

Long before…

Instead, the civilization that is referred to as Rak, according to the book, visited Earth from 720 BC. And it is also stated that he would have come into contact with the population of those years, to provide them with knowledge and even teach them methodologies for their intellectual growth. There is no conclusive evidence that the Rak (and nor the Allgruuk) committed these acts and had these contacts, but it would not be the first time that an occult factor "erases" this part of the story.

Zerpa was right

The recently deceased Argentinian UFO investigator Fabio Zerpa, a true eminence, repeated since the 80s about the existence of more than fifty extraterrestrial races that, at different times in the history of the Earth, visited us. In this context, and as if it had inspired the remarkable Uruguayan-Argentine UFO, the content found 73 years ago in Ukraine quotes, in a very explicit and interesting way for the reader who had access to the text, the description of 58 races of various extraterrestrial origins who have visited our world since the creation of the planet, indicating that it was like this since the moment of the call "divine creation " (Sic)

There were always skeptics

This book, whose authors are related to the secrets of the KGB, although it has never been formalized and known a little more than seven decades ago, would have been kept seven years under seven keys by the Russians. (Apocryphal copies are now available on the Web). , ratifies issues that, these days, seem to mark the impulse to unveil the truth, emanating from governments like Russia and the United States, about great secrets kept about the UFO phenomenon and, even, many are who claim that His pages appear much more information, detailed documented.

Anyway, many other specialists in the subject, in the absence of additional evidence, believe that this enigmatic book may have been an exacerbated creation of an enlightened and voluptuous mind, very much in line with a sci-fi series of the 50s and everything comes down to a huge fantasy. Whatever the case, truth or lies, again, with the overflowing of imminent revelations, the reappearance of this book found in Ukraine continues to surprise. For a decade now, humanoids and other foreigners have attracted the attention of the media and social networks in one way or another, through observations or cases of kidnappings. point that the world's aerospace agencies, like NASA, they seem to prepare humanity for an imminent revelation.


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