Have you noticed? The reason the Earth moved this Friday slower than normal


Although the phenomenon is imperceptible, the Earth moved on July 6 more slowly than the rest of the year about 3,600 kilometers per hour less than its maximum speed. The reason? Our planet arrived at aphelion that is the maximum distance from the Sun which translates to the lowest speed.

At 1746 GMT this Friday we reached a distance of 152,095,566 kilometers between the Earth and the Sun . At that time, the speed of translation was only 105 444 km / h approximately 3600 km / h less than its speed in the perihelion – the distance closest to the Sun.

Although this sounds strange, the phenomenon is more normal than it is believed because the orbit through which our planet is moving around the star of the solar system is not a perfect but elliptical circumference.

Does this have anything to do with the seasons? According to the astrophysics of the BBC Nayra Rodríguez of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands: "The stations are produced by the tilt of the. axis of rotation of the Earth relative to the plane that she describes around the Sun., which is what we call the ecliptic.This axis is inclined at about 23.5 degrees and therefore when we are in the northern hemisphere summer, the north axis, ie the north pole of the Earth, points to In contrast, in winter, our north pole points in the opposite direction, not exactly the opposite, because it is about 23.5 degrees, but points in the opposite direction to the Sun, "he says the specialist

Unlike the aphelion , in the case of perihelion the Sun is about 147 million kilometers from the Earth.

One wonders why summers are no less hot than e n those of the South where the summer of the northern hemisphere coincides with the moment when the Earth is farthest from the star. According to Rodríguez 's explanation, there is more water in the southern hemisphere, which means that the temperature does not increase as much.

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