He asked for a delivery of fried chicken and they sent him something disgusting | the Chronicle


Delivery is one of the most popular options in times of Coronavirus pandemicalthough it also showed the delivery issues and the quality of the food sometimes not arriving as the customer expected.

Alique perez, of Philippines, I wanted to enjoy a family dinner and for that ordered fried chicken delivery. However, the woman did not expect to receive a strange and disgusting surprise in her order.

When the family got ready for dinner, Perez discovered that his request was not what was expected Instead of fried chicken, Jollibee restaurant sent him a fried napkin.

On her Facebook account, the woman shared her experience with the gastronomic place. There he showed the fried chicken order that he requested from the local, which is located in the town of Taguig, Philippines.

When the woman was about to eat He noticed that one of the chicken pieces was actually a green colored napkin. He noted that he was “really disturbing”. The family paid around 200 pesos for the order.

“I ordered chicken for my son, as I tried to make him a bite, I found it very difficult to even cut it. I tried to open it with my hands and to my surprise there was a fried napkin, ”Perez wrote.

The woman was trying to cut a piece of fried chicken for her son.

Restaurant Jollibee released a statement after the footage went viral and it was shown “concerned” and what “regrettable” what happened in the preparation of food.


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