He asked for donations to recover what he had spent on a missed appointment – ElSol.com.ar – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


Dating apps can have positive aspects, such as finding the love of your life, but not everything is rosy. This is the story of Jade Savage, who spent £ 90 ($ 6,285) on an appointment, but it did not work out as planned and is now looking to get his money back.

Jade Savage raises funds online to recoup what he spent on Leicester's trip to Peterborough, England, in order to meet the one he thought was "the man of his dreams".

The uncomfortable situation crossed by the redhead began as soon as she got off the train and received the man, who first stated that he had "gained weight" with his rendezvous previous, which had taken place four weeks ago.

The boy badured that she "looked nothing like" to the girl from before, according to Savage herself, told the British newspaper The sun.

Savage was grumpy because of the distance of the train ride and the loss of the bus to get to the appointment, but he let the unfortunate comment go because he badumed that he could still enjoy the meeting.

But when they went to the boy's car, the young man insisted: "Now I can say it's a fact, you've gained weight, so now I can make jokes about it."

It was then that Savage no longer resisted such comments and treated him directly as a "fool." "Then he went crazy, he said," Do you think I'm a jerk? "And he brought me back to the station." He said that he had put her in a bad mood and that I had to go home, "said the woman to the British media. .

While waiting for the return of the train and drinking a glbad of wine, the girl began to note all the expenses she had to make to see the young man lost his appointment.

"My clbadmates then mocked me and said:You paid £ 90 to go to Peterborough, to be called big, and then sent home. & # 39;. It was the shortest and worst date I ever knew, "said the girl, who, to see the funny side, started a petition GoFundMe.

On this platform, Savage recounted his case, adding that the young man had offered to pay him the money spent for the trip, but when she had said yes, the boy had stabbed and stuck her.

The emotional disgust for the spoiled date paid off, but in the collection that Savage obtained in GoFundMe: he has already collected, thanks to donations from people who wanted to help him after his bad weather, about 820 pounds ($ 57,269) ), 9 times more than what he had spent to see the naughty boy from his appointment at Tinder.


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