He attacked a bus stop and killed three people


July 3, 2018 – 00:00
A car that was traveling at high speed lost control and caused a tragedy. This happened in the city of Bernal in Buenos Aires.

Three people were killed, while four other people, including a two-year-old boy, were injured when a car traveling at high speed collided with a bus stop in the town of Bernal, in Buenos Aires

. had as fatal victims two women who were at the stop and the young driver of the car, was recorded in the morning hours Sunday at Tomás Flores Avenue and 892, from the city of Quilmes, in the southeast area of ​​Greater Buenos Aires

For reasons that are trying to establish, the Honda that was driving on the high-speed avenue, the car that drove the young man, left the belt asphalt, climbed the path and rammed people They were on the corner.

In addition to running on people, the car pulled a tree and struck a traffic light, according to the South Perspective local website.

death in the act of Emilce Susana Aguirre, 54, and Cecilia Centurión, of 75, two women who waited for the group in the closure devastated by the car.

A few hours later the driver of the car died too, identified as Eduardo Ezequiel Leguiza, 23, at the Iriarte hospital in Quilmes, where he had been taken away urgently.

Meanwhile, a 24-year-old accompanying Leguiza, along with three other people, was injured in various ways.

In this case, which was clbadified as "aggravated double homicide and aggravated negligent injuries", the Educational Unit No. 22 (UFI) of the Judicial Department of Quilmes intervened; the fifth police station of that jurisdiction.

Critical Moment

Last week, an International Forum on Road Safety was organized in Buenos Aires by the National Security Agency. d Vial. At the closing of the conference, Carlos Perez, the director of the agency of the Ministry of Transport, said that "Argentina does not have a good time in road safety, in the country 15 people die every day because of road accidents, unnecessary form. "The perception of the official seems to coincide with what street users perceive on the street: 54% of respondents acknowledged that the main cause of preventable deaths in Argentina is given by this cause.

survey conducted in May by Cecaitra (camera that groups companies producing road software in our country). The people consulted were right to conclude that there are more road deaths for road reasons than those who complain about homicides: only 21% said that this was the main cause of preventable death.


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