He avoided waking his son early “so as not to be hungry” – News


The incident took place in the Chilean town of Rancagua. The teacher, Tania Silva, shared the story on social media and it was quickly shared by all platforms.

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In the SMS, the mother wrote: “Today I have no bread for him for breakfast and for lunch I have to make a rice just, alone. So, so that he does not don’t be hungry, I don’t want to wake up. get up early. “

In addition, he assured him that when the child woke up, he would do the job and send all the materials to him. “I would appreciate your understanding and if you could send me what you are doing to wake him up and send you a picture of the tasks,” he asked.

After receiving the message, Tania couldn’t stop thinking about this story: “It gave me tremendous anguish, shame, I couldn’t stop thinking about it as I got ready for it. run, ”she said.

After the story went viral, a huge wave of solidarity was generated. They not only received financial assistance, but also thousands of messages of support.

“Hello, yesterday was a very intense day with the response to this tweet. The family received a lot of help, there are still people asking and I want to tell them that they have been left out of the goods for several weeks. Let’s continue to help others, there are more people in the same situation, “the professor’s sister told Twitter.

Now they are trying to get a stable income for the family because they ran a photo printing business but they didn’t have too much technology to do it in the best way.


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