He Beat His Daughter to Death, Dumped Her in a Lake, and Used a Doll to Replace Her | the Chronicle


Tiaundra Christon was sentenced to 20 years in prison after reporting the disappearance of her 2-year-old daughter, Hazana Anderson, in order to hide the reasons for her death in 2018 under strange circumstances.

The corpse of the small native of Texas was found at the bottom of Lake Moses October 31 of the year mentioned, wrapped in a plastic bag and tied with a rope to a rock.

Christon was convicted of handling a human corpse and a few days ago received the maximum sentence, which is the same that her boyfriend and co-accused Kenny Hewett imposed just over a year ago.

What is striking is that in principle and due to the circumstances in which the girl’s body was located, Coroners were never able to determine the causes of death at the time and for that reason, at that time, they were not chargedBut new evidence and testimony led the investigation on a new course.

How did it all come to light?

Christon had claimed his daughter disappeared from her stroller in a park on October 28, prompting a full-scale search operation.

Examining footage from security cameras and witness statements, investigators tracked down the mother and baby’s final movements, or what they initially believed to be Hazana.

Kenny Hewett He was also sentenced to 20 years in prison for the crime of the minor.

As they followed the trail, investigators began to suspect that the reported events were not true, especially when they discovered inside a nearby trash can a doll dressed in the same clothes as the missing girl.

Christon’s confession

After being questioned by the officers, Christon confessed that the young girl had died days before her disappearance was reported and, according to later claims in court, she had walked the streets of Houston with the doll pretending it was her daughter.

As reconstructed, the girl’s last days were a real ordeal. Christon had traveled with Hazana to Houston to visit her boyfriend and they had stayed in a hotel.

The little girl’s mother explained to detectives that she and her boyfriend were away for 30 minutes to look for food, but when they returned the baby was crying and as she did not shut up they beat her violently over and over with a belt around. arms, legs and face.

Hewett allegedly asked Christon to hit the baby harder, because he was doing it gently, until the girl started to pass out.

When she still had a pulse and reacting to what they had done, they put her in the tub with cold water to try to revive her and when they took her out they realized that their daughter had been sexually abused.

In a moment of despair They used a hair dryer to try to warm it up, but their effort was wasted and they only managed toburn your skin.

And the worst came when they realized the baby was no longer breathing and his body would have completely cooled down and that’s when it occurred to them, instead of confessing what had happened and ” call emergencies, wrapping the body in plastic and placing it on the floor of the back seats of their car, where it remained for three days, before they finally made their way to the lake where they tied it to a rock and the threw in the water.

The jury took only 20 minutes to render its verdict, and an additional 40 minutes on Tuesday to deliberate on his sentence, where he received the maximum possible.

The repercussion of the terrible affair in the American media


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