He beheaded a man with a katana and threw his head out of the window | the Chronicle


A 40-year-old man was arrested last Monday in Toulon, a town on the Mediterranean coast of southern France, for dchop another man, put his head in a box and throw it out the window of your department.

Police of the Var department confirmed in Twitter that the intervention of a powerful apparatus of agents had ended with the arrest of the suspect in his apartment.

According to the regional station France Bleu Provencand the detainee is a former soldier, owner of the apartment, in which The headless body of the man, a homeless man and a katana was also found.

It was a neighbor who alarmed the police when she suddenly fell on the box in the street, just thrown from the third floor, according to what was published by the French newspaper Var-matin.

The man, in his forties, was arrested in a dizzy and disoriented state, and did not resist. Although his identity did not come out, he was identified because shortly after the police arrived at the scene, he leaned out the window, his hands covered in blood. Unarmed, he was immediately arrested and the area fenced.

According to a police source, the head could belong to one of the two vagrants who spent the night in the apartment. The data is known because the agents had been alerted by a fight in this department on Sunday evening. Authorities are currently looking for a second homeless person who was present at the home during the confrontation.

In addition, the neighbor recounted the horrific discovery: “It was 1:30 p.m., we saw a jacket on the floor. He was stained with blood. A yard from the box, there was blood. And a human head “said the witness who alerted police in shock.

The mayor of Toulon, Hubert Falco, condemned in a press release this “unspeakable act”, while adding that the motives for the crime were unknown.

For the moment, the investigators of the case They found no link linking what happened to a terrorist act. In any case, after the discovery, they asked for the reinforcement of specialized military personnel due to the panic that the situation generated among the inhabitants.

This is how they arrested the accused of having betrayed a man in France


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