He blew up the engine of his Lamborghini for trying to cook a piece of meat with the fire from the exhaust


He wanted to cook meat and he melted his Lamborghini

The owner of a Lamborghini Aventador in China he had no better idea than test how well a piece of meat can be roasted with the fire coming out of the exhaust pipe. The “best” thing is ironic, of course: the idea was so bad that it overheated the engine and melted it.

If ever at TN Autos we have the opportunity to take a test drive with a car of these characteristics, the last thing that will come to mind will be to test your culinary skills, but it is true that everyone does what they want. with his car, even break it, even if it is an image that touches the most sensitive fibers of all irons.

The incident took place in a closed parking lot where other super sports cars were located. The protagonist seems to have a skewer with meat in hand, while inside the vehicle, another person stepped on the accelerator in neutral and roared the beastly V12 engine the Aventador carries.

In the video, they manage to count twenty accelerations before the riot. At number twenty-one, smoke begins to come out of the engine, which is positioned in the back, and what started out as a joke ended up being a nightmare.

Cries of desperation followed, as the one behind the wheel turned off the vehicle and got out, and the one with the skewer in hand lifted the bonnet to catch his breath. There was nothing to do: the engine eventually burned out.

While it’s not clear in detail what the specific damage was to the engine and its parts, the Lambo appears to have significantly overheated. Such is so poured out all his coolant and it was giving off smoke like a steamboat.

According to experts consulted by Jalopnik, the site that shared this curious event, it is likely that the Lamborghini was requested for cooling and the thermostat was closed at that time. So when the engine is running hard and the water pump is running, a lot of pressure builds up in the cooling paths until something goes wrong. The cylinder head and the cylinder head gasket can be mainly damaged.

While some use the Aventador for strange experiences, others turn to this model to perform beneficial actions. Like New Zealand YouTuber Davids Jones, who auctioned off a cardboard copy and donated the money to a public children’s hospital in Auckland.


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