He bought an antique mirror and started hearing disturbing noises | the Chronicle


A paranormal investigator shared a haunted mirror video who answers him and assures him that he himself projects the image and voice of a spirit who answers your questions.

The psychic medium, Ian griffithsHe bought the mirror from an antique store in Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK. However, after bringing it home, he claims he started hearing a “Unexplainable noise”, a despite living alone and never having heard it before.

For this reason, the paranormal investigator used a special equipment for recording the electronic voice phenomenon (EVP). At this point, the man begins to interact with the supposed ghost.

“This is your opportunity to communicate”, explains the expert and immediately after “the ghostHe answers in a low voice to help her. So much so that the expert believes that the spirit has a first and a last name and concerns Alison marie.

In addition, the specialist in hidden phenomena you think the ghost is around nine years old or may be an older adult pretend to be a child.

“You may meet evil spirits pretending to be children or trying to be nice. It was really scary back then“, it is said. And culminates: “I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years, and it’s the only thing that made me nervous.”


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