He bought some bad quality marijuana, reported it to a police station and will now be deported


A Malawian refugee was not satisfied with the quality of marijuana sold by a dealer and went to a police station in Dublin (Ireland) to report it, the newspaper reported.Independent Irish"After showing a small bag of this medicine, illegal in Ireland, and making sure that it is not "of good quality", Arthur Liwembe, 34, he was immediately arrested by agents and accused of possession of narcotics, among other charges.

The investigating judge, John Hughes, waived the most severe sentence for these crimes, up to six months in prison, and sentenced him last March to comply 200 hours of community work.

The magistrate indicated that Liwembe's behavior was "at least illogical", but he understood that it was proof that he was suffering "from a psychosis induced by cannabis use.

At the trial, Liwembe's lawyer, Anne Fitzgibbon, claimed that her client, a former nursing student and asylum seeker in Ireland, had a "difficult childhood" and he badured that he had not used drugs since his arrest on 10 July.

The lawyer argued that Liwembe had entered that day at a Dublin police station to show him "concern"for the quality of cannabis that he just bought, he believed that could be "harmful to the health of others".

The lawyer regretted that, in another parallel process, the Irish authorities they rejected his request for asylum and asked him to leave the country before June 22, in a decision that Liwembe plans to appeal.


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