He broke a 32 "television to his ex in the face and disfigured him |


A 27-year-old man disfigured his 28-year-old ex-girlfriend with a 32-inch television at his home in Manchester, England. The victim gave details about the amazing episode.

Depending on the person affected, Abbie Brydon, his ex boyfriend Scott Huges He disfigured her by kicking her and hitting her with a 32-inch TV.

As a result of this violent attack, the woman had a broken nose and eye sockets. Moreover, his face was badly bruised. The relatives of the victim did not recognize her after seeing her after the terrible episode.

The accused, who had a history of violence, mutilated himself after badaulting his former partner to declare that he had acted in self-defense. However, he was convicted and sentenced to 14 years in prison.

Shortly after this terrible experience, the woman was encouraged to share the images in which she showed her injuries and gave details about the episode.

The defendant had a history of violence.

A heartbreaking story

"My boyfriend went to a party and came back very violent, he broke my television on his head, he hit me and he kicked me, while I begged him to stop ", he remembered.

He continued: "Then he forced me to put under the shower to get rid of the evidence and he made a superficial wound with a knife.God thank you, I was able to move away from this house." "

Currently, the victim has nightmares every day: "I have insomnia because I'm afraid to sleep knowing that I'll wake up sweating after reviving what he's done".

The girl's family did not recognize her when she saw her.

It was like that the young woman.

The man was arrested.


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