He broke a game of an amusement park and killed two people


Two people died and 27 others were injured after a mechanical play collapsed in a amusement park in the India. The moment, which occurred on Sunday, July 14 in the afternoon, was captured on video by one of the people who was walking in the place and quickly became viral. . The owners of the place were accused by culpable homicide.

A cable carrying the attraction called "Discovery"It broke out and provoked that structure has collapsed with dozens of people on board. The deadly victims have been identified as Mbadi Rajvadi, 24 years old and Mohammed Zaid Mominout of 22, according to the report Time of India.

In addition to the two deaths that were regrettable, there were a dozen wounded, all aged 16 to 26, three of whom are interned in critical condition.

The accident occurred in the amusement park Kankaria Lakela located in the city of Ahmedabad and after the episode, the place was evacuated. Emergency services immediately went to the site to support the rescue.

The witnesses of the moment said they saw how the pendulum style attraction had rocked about six feet off the ground and had suddenly collapsed. Who is it they were towards the outside of the structure they were the most affected

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The fire chief Mr. F. Dastoor He explained that the accident was due to a cable failure that was connecting to the main structure of the attraction. "The mechanical game works when the main axis with seats on the circular bench is balanced with a counterweight. When the cable has burst, the weld along the shank has broken and the coach has also fallen, "he explained.

At present, the authorities are investigating that the event is due to negligent maintenance of the machine. They do not exclude a design failure or mechanical failure that could affect other similar characteristics throughout the country. Also, representatives Superstar Amusement Pvt Ltd, The company responsible for the amusement park, was accused by culpable homicide.



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