He caught his boyfriend raping a friend and getting married in the same way.


At dusk, the group of friends returned to the hotel where they were and began the series of beatings. The bride asked Daniel Carney to accompany one of her friends because she was drunk and it was better that she was not alone. He accepted the request of his future wife, but in doing so, he changed: instead of bringing the drunk girl to his room, he took her to the men's locker room, where he l? sexually assaulted. The woman was so drunk that she was about to faint, partially regaining consciousness when the man bit her when she wanted to remove her bra with her teeth. It was at this point that the bride appeared and surprised her fiance by raping the girlfriend.

He tried dozens of unjustified explanations as he left the locker room in the direction of the parking lot where he fought violently with his girlfriend, which resulted in hysterical blows on his part. The other friends noticed that something was happening and they found the girl raped in the locker room, they helped her to put her clothes on and take her away.

Nevertheless, the party has not been changed. In the middle, Carney sent messages to her victim to apologize and tell him that he did not remember what had happened because he was also drunk. And among the messages, he suggested that she take the pill the next day, to avoid getting pregnant. On the same day of the celebration, he came back to give her a message, apologizing again and asking her to be as happy as possible "for the bride", who, far from abandoning her boyfriend rapist, decided to marry him.

Time for justice to act

The day after her rape, the victim filed a complaint against Daniel Carney, her friend's boyfriend.

Immediately, the prosecutor ordered the security cameras of the hotel where the abuse took place and the images were revealed worthy of interest to the girl: we could clearly see how she walked in the hallway, swinging and standing to walk, and how Carney's locker door takes her arms and throws her inside, without cameras.

Then the doctors checked that she had been raped.


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