He claimed to be disabled for ten years and even cheated Pope Francis


April 17, 2019
– 12:04

The Italian Roberto Guglielmi, 55, claimed to be paraplegic after an accident. He was receiving disability benefits and had free parking. They discovered it by security cameras

An Italian pretends to be invalid for a decade, but was discovered by security cameras by walking alone, according to several media in this country.

Subject, by name Roberto Guglielmi, 55, According to a medical certificate, he was a victim of paraplegia, which, after his arrest, would be false.

It was also known that the accident with a car had been done with the help of a neighbor in Florence, his hometown, while he was injecting anesthetics to reduce muscle sensitivity during medical consultations as part of his treatment.


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The disability allowed him to charge twelve years of badignment for his condition and take advantage of parking spaces reserved for the disabled.

Guglielmi founded a struggle for the rights of people with disabilities, which earned him a visit to the Vatican to meet Pope Francisco face to face in 2014.

However, some caregivers suspected the man of constantly pretending, growing doubts when he was sighted without his wheelchair while he was coming down from a plane after vacationing in Togo.

Police authorities opened an investigation and viewed images in which he is observed without disability.


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