He cleaned a court, punctured the ball and the video went viral | the Chronicle


Joe Orians he repeated his daily routine, not imagining it would become popular. He works as a cleaner for the Liberty Benton Middle School in Findlay, Ohio, USA, and on one of his usual nocturnal rounds, he walked diagonally down the center of the basketball court with the ball in his right arm and after doing five sprints he braked in the middle of the stage and without turning he threw the orange and masterfully converted it. He heard the ball enter the ring and raised his arms in silent celebration.

Everything seemed to have stayed there. However, the magnificent sequence had been recorded in the cameras of the institution and the testimony transcended in the networks after the director of the institute, Kyle Leatherman, share the video on Twitter.

“Our concierge is better than yours. Casually strolling around the gym, with no one but the security camera. Shot with effect, just touch the net “Leatherman wrote on the bird’s social network.


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