He comes from Cordoba and returns to the Amazon to fight a fire – Together


In the next 13 hours, firefighters from the province of Córdoba will travel to Buenos Aires to join the contingent of Argentina who will go to the Amazon to contribute to the fight against fires in the region.

Eduardo Glunz, a volunteer firefighter who had been there in 1998 to put out a fire, will be part of this group. At that time, the flames besieged 37,000 square kilometers of forest. "It was the same size as Belgium," Glunz recalled in an interview with Chain 3.

"We had never had experience in the jungle, so it was an important intervention, at that time it was not normal." The fire was not as today, the affected area is much larger: 165,000 square kilometers, "he added.

Glunz, 46, has four children and works as a firefighter in the tank of the nuclear power station and as a volunteer at the headquarters of Villa General Belgrano.

"The problem in this case is the combustible material.The behavior of fire is transmitted on certain issues such as temperature, humidity and wind.Brazil at these altitudes has extreme temperatures with 50 degrees and 18% d & # 39; The fuel is available to burn, "he explained.

Glunz also said that it was "an odyssey" because they left in the night and arrived two days later.

"The truth is that the firefighter's appreciation differs from what we see from the outside.We work safely.We have been very much affected by the fire in complicated places, but not out of control, "explained the firefighter who had to move before traveling. Get vaccinated against yellow fever, viral, among others.

When Chain 3 He tried to communicate with Glunz who answered from the other side of the phone, his little son, Máximo, said to him: "Hello, my father is not there.He went to cut his hair.I am the son and he left me the message, come back. "

When he heard this sound, the firefighter said, "He is the one who worries the most.I have three other kids, but they grew up and they know how it goes. but he's the one who's scared the most. "

The contingent of Córdoba had to leave this Tuesday for Buenos Aires, but it still has no confirmation.

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