He committed suicide, after conducting an investigation on Instagram to find out he "should" do it | Chronic


The tragic event occurred in Malaysia. A 16-year-old girl committed suicide after posting a survey on her Instagram account to ask her followers whether she should commit suicide or not.

What drew attention, is that 69% of users who responded to the survey said that they had to commit suicide. Police officers from the state of Sarawak, located in the east of Malaysia, told the teenager, whose name was not revealed, posted the investigation on Instagram with the following message: "Really important, help me choose D [death] / L [Life]"

After the majority of users chose it, she ignored them. Then, a few hours after the publication, on May 13, the teenager jumped from the roof of a building, supposedly of her own free will.

As a result of the tragic result, a lawyer, Ramkarpal Singh, submitted a complaint to the justice of this country against those who voted for death, because, according to the lawyer, are guilty of incitement to suicide.

The Malaysian authorities are concerned about this incident. (Illustrative picture)

Singh, who is also a lawyer and MP for the state of Penang, in the north-west of the country, asked the following questions:

"Would the girl still be alive today if most people on her Instagram account had encouraged her not to commit suicide? Would I have listened to the tips of Internet users to ask for help?" from a professional? "Did the encouragement from these internet users really influence their decision to commit suicide? Since suicide attempt is an offense in this country, it follows that incitement to suicide can also be attempted. "

Although she admitted that it was still too early to determine what had led the teenager to make that decision, the parliamentarian told the local media that it was possible for her to make the decision. she was suffering from depression.

On the other hand, Syed Saddiq, the Minister of Youth and Sports of Malaysia, said: "I am really concerned about the mental health status of our young people – it's a national problem that needs to be taken seriously.".

Malaysian laws punish the incitement to suicide of a minor even with the death penalty.


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