He completely burned a well-known island inn | Rosario3.com


The inn of Pura Vida Island, located in front of the northern area of ​​Rosario, suffered a fire that devastated this Sunday almost all the facilities to ashes. There were no injuries and expert reports were made to determine the origin of the fire.

The incident was reported around 14 at the Islas de Charigüe police station, intervening by jurisdiction, at a time when a large column of black smoke was visible from several kilometers.

At the time of the fire, there was no one who worked or enjoyed space, since the low level of the river kept him temporarily inactive, which was confirmed at Rosario3.com responsible for Pura Vida. [19659002]

In this sense, de Prefectura Rosario pointed out to this digital newspaper that "there is no water to enter El Embudo", as the lagoon formed in this part of the river is called , so the firefighters of the federal force "They came on foot" to the place where a depth of 3.50 meters is needed and this Sunday there was 2.40

Once there, and on behalf of the police Entre Ríos, Prefectura initiated preliminary skills to try to establish the causes of the fire, which consumed all the facilities and the wharf, mainly built with wood and straw.

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