He contracted a "bacterium eats meat" following the bite of an insect and was about to lose a foot


A woman's pleasure trip in the coastal town of Benidorm, in Spain, took an unexpected turn when a serious infection was about to force doctors to amputate a foot.

According to local media reports, it all started when Faye Wilkes, 41, felt a sting on the left foot while resting in the pool of the hotel where he resided with his sister. Looking at the area, he noticed a small red markHe therefore assumed that it was just the bite of a mosquito and continued normally.

However, days passed and all his leg began to swell slowly. "My sister Carrie and I had just lost our father as a result of lung cancer.We just wanted to relax, so I minimized the problem.But quickly, our dream vacation became a real hell, "said Wilkes.

Four days after the bite, the woman started having difficulties in supporting the leg left, so he decided to do a consultation at a local hospital. After ordering an x-ray, the doctors told her that she had a "sprained ankle" and sent her back to the hotel with a pair of crutches.

Infected foot of a woman upon arrival in England (Photo courtesy of Metro)
Infected foot of a woman upon arrival in England (Photo courtesy of Metro)

Suspecting that she had been misdiagnosed, the woman decided to suspend her vacation and return to England, where she is from, to conduct a new consultation. By the time he arrived, his foot was covered with bulbs and his visibly infected skin.

Given the seriousness of the case, Wilkes was transferred directly from Gatwick Airport to the Royal Surrey Hospital, where doctors informed him that he had contracted a "Bacteria eat meat" possibly transmitted by a spider bite. Subsequently, he was diagnosed with sepsis and told that it had happened only one day later, they should have had their foot amputated.

"I was horrified, I never imagined that a simple insect bite in Benidorm could result in sepsis and the possible amputation of a limb." Fortunately, they managed to eliminate the infection without having to do it, but I still feel extremely weak, "said the woman.

Wilkes with his sister (left) and his mother before the incident (Photo: SWNS).
Wilkes with his sister (left) and his mother before the incident (Photo: SWNS).

After four months of intensive care, Wilkes is recovering at home, but still retains the scars of the huge blisters from the infection. "The important thing is that I'm aliveand that I still have my leg and my foot, "thought the woman, adding," I still have a long way to go. "


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